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To be truthful, RedConvertibleGirl, I don't know the brand name of the enzyme--I haven't picked up the powder from the vet yet---and I don't think he mentioned the name of it when we last spoke.

Would it be possible for you to give me the name of the California pet pharmacy website?I'd like to compare prices once I get more info from the vet. I might also contact the manufacturer (if I decide to give Gracie the enzyme) and see if they will cut a deal for me.

Thanks for thinking of me!! You are a sweetie!!

God Bless,


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See my post above and click on the word highlighted in blue, that will take you to the website. My friend said she's saved a good 50% on her cats meds from this place.

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Thank you, RedConvertibleGirl--really appreciate the link!!

I have not made a decision yet regarding Gracie and the pancreatic enzymes.

Right now I'm focused on Christmas Day--we pack up Gracie and take her to my husband's family--about 100 miles south of us---it ends up being a long day for all of us. This year we have 3 great-nieces and 2 other dogs in the mix---I will spend my day keeping an eagle eye on Gracie--that no one feeds her anything--and that she doesn't eat anything off the floor or the tables---I can't trust her--and we don't need a deathly ill dog to cap off the holidays!

Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!!

God Bless,


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So Gracie is going on a car ride? :-)

You could always try the enzymes and see if they make a difference.

If you would please put my girl back in your prayers I'd appreciate it, it worked last time. She has an infection (female). She has had these off and on for a couple of years and even had surgery. She saw her regular vet last Tuesday but he said not to be concerned, and when she saw the derm on Thursday it had developed into something much worse. She had to have an anti-biotic show, and we have spray and steroid cream to use on her (which she hates). She's very uncomfortable and for the first couple of days I had to pick her up and carry her outside because I think it's uncomfortable for her to walk. She's been spending the past few days up in the bedroom.{#emotions_dlg.sad} I have spoken to the derm TWICE - and she said the shot should be taking effect soon so my fingers are crossed.

We have so much to do since we are hosting Christmas dinner, and I just don't need the added stress - or HER being stressed.

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday and enjoy your family and friends.

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Registered: ‎04-25-2011

So sorry to hear about your fur baby's troubles, RedConvertibleGirl!!! Of course I will say prayers to St Francis for her---prayers can't hurt, right? Hopefully the the shot will take effect and you can have a more relaxed Christmas with your guests.

I can fully understand that you don't want your baby to be stressed--I feel the same about Gracie. I'm so afraid that stress will bring on another pancreatitis attack--and we surely do not need for Gracie to get sick--especially during Christmas! Gracie doesn't enjoy car rides and isn't a fan of visiting--so no matter how it goes, she will still be stressed out.

I still have not decided what to do about the enzymes. I also found out that most of them are made of porcine pancreas--Gracie has sensitivities regarding anything but chicken, duck & lamb---so that's another concern about starting her on them. The vet said if I start the enzymes and then decide not to give them to her, she would have to be weaned off--you cannot just stop it. Didn't like that, either.

Right now, Gracie is showing NO signs of pancreatic insufficiency---she's eating with gusto, not losing weight and has no diarrhea--she is alert and playful----I'm still not convinced she needs the enzymes--I'm just not. Maybe things will change as time goes on--I have no idea.

I will pray that you have a STRESS-FREE holiday--and that your baby begins to heal.


God Bless,


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You were being a responsible and concerned parent. If that makes you a crazy dog lady, welcome to the club! There are far worse things to be.

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GraciesMom - Thank you.

OK, I'm with you - no enzymes. I didn't realize she would need to be weaned off. And it sounds like she is doing really well so I don't see how they could help. The only thing maybe would be to get a second opinion.

It's too bad she doesn't like riding in the car, that's a long trip to be unhappy. And she'll be stressed when she's there. Ugh! Hopefully she can have a quite place of her own to go. I may just hang out upstairs in the bedroom with the dog to keep her calmed down. It's hubby's family, they probably wouldn't even notice I was gone. LOL No, honestly. They do know that the dog comes first and they totally understand.

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Merry Christmas Eve, RedConvertibleGirl!!

Are you doing anything tonight? I'm just about to start making fresh tomato sauce--we'll have that with shrimp & mussels (and pasta) for our dinner. It's just us and Gracie hanging out tonight--we have to go to bed early as we have to start out by 8am tomorrow morning.

I'm happy to hear that you agree with me about the enzymes!! I am still thinking about it.I am also still considering a second opinion, but money is tight--we'll see.

Unfortunately, Gracie will be stressed from the moment we leave until we get back home--that's the way she is--she hates being anywhere but home. Since my husband's family has two dogs, Gracie will not relax--she is hardly ever around other dogs--another reason why I have to watch her.

LOL, you are too funny--but I know what you mean when you said your husband's family probably wouldn't notice you were upstairs with your baby---my husband's family would be the same way--doesn't matter if I'm with them or not--they do their own thing (and I do mine!).

Wishing you and yours a wonderful STRESS-FREE Christmas!!!

God Bless and Merry Christmas,


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Merry Christmas Eve to you Gracie's Mom!

It's been a busy day cleaning and getting ready for tomorrow, wrapping presents, etc. I think your dinner sounds scrumptious! I think sending my husband out for pizza sounds good. LOL Then we can have some down time and watch Christmas movies. Then tomorrow early afternoon it will be hectic and at the end of the day I'll be exhausted.

I hope you have a safe trip there and back and Gracie does OK. I just hate when my babies are stressed. Fortunately 3 of mine love the car, the last addition to the family not so much. She gets sick. Not sure how she's going to fare on a long road trip - we haven't had the chance to test that out.

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Registered: ‎04-25-2011

Hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas, RedConvertibleGirl!!!

How did it go with your husband's family? How is your fur baby doing?

Our day went fine except for one incident--why is it that there always has to be one? Our niece's new boyfriend did something irresponsible--he fed Gracie (and the family dog Tino) a piece of chicken from the buffet lunch we had at my brother-in-law's house on Christmas Day--I nearly fainted when I heard our niece yelling at him for "feeding the dogs!". He gave them each a small piece of chicken Francaise! And he's no dummy--he's a chiropractor--maybe he has no social graces--I don't know--but you NEVER give food to a dog you don't know without getting permission from it's owner--honestly, what nerve!! I tried to (calmly) explain to him about Gracie's pancreatitis and how she can't eat any food but her own prescription kibble--that she might relapse---he did apologize, but I could tell that he still didn't think he did anything wrong. My husband saw how upset I was (he was too)--and we left soon after. Thankfully, Gracie is fine--no relapse or tummy trouble. And so maybe he did feed her a very small piece of chicken--not enough to irritate her pancreas--but still!Here I am walking a tightrope with her everyday in order to keep her well--and this happens.

The day after Christmas I had to see a foot doctor--been playing with an ingrown toenail for a month and it wasn't getting better--my husband was yelling at me to have it looked at since I'm diabetic and I could lose my toe. Well, the foot doctor had to remove 1/2 of my big toe's nail--and here I am now with a huge bandage on my left big toe and still in pain. Can't get a shoe on--hubby bought me a surgical boot. No infection, though--so that's good. Don't ask how I manage to take a shower without getting the toe wet! I use Saran wrap and bandaids--and keep my left leg out of the tub--so I'm half in half out of the tub--and praying I don't fall. Not fun. I see the foot doctor on Friday so she can examine the toe again--I hope she changes the bandage to a smaller one--it's tough getting around like this. She told me this problem can reoccur and I might have to have part of that nail destroyed chemically--UGH!! Happy New Year to me!!!!!

Thanks for posting that wonderful Santa above--love it!!!

Hope all is well, my friend…….and Happy New Year to you and yours!!!!!!

God Bless,
