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Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

So sweet !  . I was flipping channels sunday am and Allie was presenting a purse. She was showing the inside when she discovered a jewelry box. She took it out and opened it and it was an engagement ring. Her boyfriend then entered the set and got on one knne and proposed. Allie said yes. It was so sweet, they both look so happy and she totally looked suprised. She is a lovely lady.

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

I'm not sure who she is, but what a sweet story!

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

I find public proposals beyond tacky; an attention grab in poor taste.

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

That is so sweet!  


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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

Very sweet.  Didn't Shawns husband propose to her on the air?

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

[ Edited ]

@mspatmac wrote:

Very sweet.  Didn't Shawns husband propose to her on the air?

@mspatmac  I believe Shawn was indeed proposed to on air, but that relationship bit the dust sometime later, before they got married.


Shawn's husband did not propose on air, their's was private.

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

Is she the new blonde?  Very professional?  I rarely watch over there anymore because of all the Dubrow stuff. 

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@mspatmac wrote:

Very sweet.  Didn't Shawns husband propose to her on the air?

@mspatmac  I believe Shawn was indeed proposed to on air, but that relationship bit the dust sometime later, before they got married.


Shawn's husband did not propose on air, their's was private.

@Caaareful Shopper   Thanks for the clarification.

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

@mspatmac  I do not know about Shaun. Would like to hear about it.

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Re: Allie Krings on shophq says yes .

@occasionalrain  That is ok, to each his own. They both looked so happy, I was happy for them and wish them  blessings many years of love and happiness.