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Re: About That Cargo Ship That's Blocking the Suez Canal...

I checked the tp situation and it looks good but I did place an order for some French Roast from Costco!

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Re: About That Cargo Ship That's Blocking the Suez Canal...

@shoekitty wrote:

YIKES  how are they ever going to get tay thing out.  What a mess

It obviously nosed into the shallow side and when the forward momentum stopped the back of the ship swung into the shallow area on the other side. That left it stuck at the back and front. They're reportedly freed the rudder section so the back of the ship is free, but you can't just spin it around with the front of the ship still embedded in the sand or you could stress the structure of the ship in ways it's not meant to be stressed. What they'll likely do since they can't get the dredges in too close to the ship is inject air/water into the sand to fluidize the sand and then slowly ease the ship back into a more normal position.


If you force air/water into sand at a high volume, the sand becomes very liquid-like or fluidized and it's not an issue in holding the ship in place. It does however become an issue to then remove the sand once it settles again. It won't necessarily settle where you want it to settle, so you've got to be ready for a multi-day/week dredging process to get the sand out of where you don't want it and back to where you do want it. 


If you see them bringing in drilling rigs and poking pipes into the sand, you'll know they're planning to fluidize the sand to free the ship. Then they'll have to wait to resume normal shipping until the sand has settled out and been dredged.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: About That Cargo Ship That's Blocking the Suez Canal...

Have seen several articles recently saying upcoming shortages may be furniture, aluminum, and toilet paper. Here we go again. I do know that Lazy Boy has said it would be 5-9 month wait for custom furniture. I hope the makers of some of these things aren't just trying to create a fast boost in sales by the hoarders.
I grab a big box of tissues each time I go to the grocery store....and buy the huge pkg of tp at Costco. My old furniture is good enough for me. Aluminum is something I avoid I am good!