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On 7/1/2014 hckynut said:
On 7/1/2014 Marla Maples said:
On 7/1/2014 hckynut said:

The only one I would be afraid of would be myself. And the person I am talking about is my "absentee dad" that left when I was about 4 years old. Left my mom to raise 4 of us kids all by herself and used to beat her and 2 of my 3 older sisters up every time he came home drunk just for fun I guess.

Since he is now dead the only fear I would have were he still alive and I saw him? That would be what I might do to him for what he did to my family.

Don't you think it is time to let go of that hatred for a dead man? You are poisoning nobody but yourself with it.

Thank you doctor, but I don't recall using the word "hatred" in my post. The only time I think of this drunken bas---- is when I see a question such as this.

Appreciate your concern for me but I am doing just fine thank you.

Marla that is a little harsh. The things some of us experience in childhood never go away, and to be insensitive about it is only making things worse for those who have been affected.

hckynut seems to have his head on straight to me, after reading many, many posts. And I'm not going to condemn his feelings about this situation, because I think he is right to feel this way. When the people who you are supposed to depend on the most fail you in epic proportions, letting go isn't always as productive as channeling the anger to do and be better than they were.

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No to the OP's question, not at this time. And I'm sorry to anyone who does face this fear. I think it is more terrible than any other, to know that people you should love and that should love you are dangerous enough on some level to cause fear in you.

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Oops. I just reread the op. I didn't realize it was about being afraid of people you know. Sorry. Next time I will pay more attention.

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On 7/1/2014 tansy said: No. If I were I'd change my living situation.

Unfortunately, not every one is in a situation that they can do this.

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No, I don't believe so. I am sure many who are no longer with us would have firmly said no. we don't really know what is another persons soul. how far will they go in times of need or on drugs or alcohol. look how many parents say not my child.

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You're right....we never know what someone is really feeling and/or thinking. We are very fortunate in terms of material /monetary circumstances and I have wondered about the motivation of the people who have married into our family. Certainly not to the extent that is evidenced in the OP but massive,unending supplies of money changes perspectives.
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On 7/4/2014 Danky said: You're right....we never know what someone is really feeling and/or thinking. We are very fortunate in terms of material /monetary circumstances and I have wondered about the motivation of the people who have married into our family. Certainly not to the extent that is evidenced in the OP but massive,unending supplies of money changes perspectives.

Very true. Its probably why some who are very fortunate won't or don't contemplate marriage to someone.

I've been blessed, my family has always been stable and no one harbors bad habits that would make money a motive for murder.

My heart goes out to those who are afraid and like VB said, PTSD is no matter to dismiss or be derisive of either.

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Nope. No one in my family frightens me. I have nothing they want, nor are any of them psychopaths.

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I had to move out of state to get away from an ex. He tried to find me for years. I hope he is in prison or worse but I don't know for sure. He was certainly crazy and was stalking me to kill me. Lots of drugs and booze involved. I was living at home the last time he drove by. He had already shot at my parents house but had an alibi. My dad, an ex-marine got his shotgun and went outside waiting for him. They ended up in a fist fight in the front yard and they both went to jail. This was my mind mannered dad that wouldn't harm a flea. They let my dad go, the police knew this ex's history and tried to protect me as much as possible. I moved right after that, took karate lessons and stayed low.

I use to work with a girl that lived next door to Ted Bundy but didn't find out until he was caught.

I also had that crazy drunk that lived across the street until he finally went to jail. Lots of crazies out there! I'm sure some of us could write a book!

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Registered: ‎12-16-2012
On 7/4/2014 luvmyteddy said:

I had to move out of state to get away from an ex. He tried to find me for years. I hope he is in prison or worse but I don't know for sure. He was certainly crazy and was stalking me to kill me. Lots of drugs and booze involved. I was living at home the last time he drove by. He had already shot at my parents house but had an alibi. My dad, an ex-marine got his shotgun and went outside waiting for him. They ended up in a fist fight in the front yard and they both went to jail. This was my mind mannered dad that wouldn't harm a flea. They let my dad go, the police knew this ex's history and tried to protect me as much as possible. I moved right after that, took karate lessons and stayed low.

I use to work with a girl that lived next door to Ted Bundy but didn't find out until he was caught.

I also had that crazy drunk that lived across the street until he finally went to jail. Lots of crazies out there! I'm sure some of us could write a book!

LOL. Hey, I used to teach adolescents. I could tell you a few stories about some of their parents that would make your hair stand on end. They were never embarrassed about their behavior, either, though I am thinking their kids were. Speaking of Bundy, I had an acquaintance who car pooled with him and two others to UPS law school. He would go to the campus and then ride home with them, but they didn't find out until all the news broke about him that he wasn't even enrolled there. One of the girls who died I believe was at UPS. Weird, huh? I met him once when he rode with some of my friends in Far East House at UW. He and his date got out of the car before we got to our destination, and I thought he was kind of strange, but imagine my surprise when years later I read about him in the news and saw his picture. You just never know who the next serial killer will be.