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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

@september wrote:

I'm not certain why the vaccine clinic was even open on this day, if the road conditions were so bad!

Where I live, Saturday is the make-up day for clinics that have to be cancelled on weekdays due to bad weather or dangerous driving conditions.  This has happened twice this winter, so far.   The clinics are staffed by individuals who also have to drive to get there.  Some of us are volunteers and also, for instance!  

I would have even more sympathy for this lady if she made the trek there, only to find it closed.  At least she got her shot. 






i am in the baltimore area.

the vaccine areas that were to do vaccinations tomorrow AND friday have already been cancelled and the snow is not even here yet.

we are due to get some snow and possibly ice tomorrow......possibly into friday morning. everyone was advised to reschedule.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

@sunshine45    We're ok for today, but it looks like Friday will be another cancellation day for the vaccine clinics.  The decision has to be made by 3pm so all those with appointments can be notified.  

It's just not ok for clinic staff or patients  to go out when the road conditions are dangerous!

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

@KatieB wrote:

@LizzieInSRQ wrote:

Ridiculous feat for anyone to do in frigid weather let alone a 90 yr old female.why no one gave her a ride, I don't know as I didn't read the whole long story.

@LizzieInSRQ   And yet you took the time to post a comment.....

Thats right @KatieB ...there poorly written article was repetitive and too long so I stopped and commented. Yup.

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

I read her story, it was wonderful and make me smile.  What a woman!

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

[ Edited ]


@Greeneyedlady21 Thanks for posting this amazing story.


I admire the 90 years old strength and resiliency!  Many people her age and younger don't have her health.


But why didn't anyone offer her a ride?  Like her children and grandchildren, the parents of that great grandchild she wants to hold?

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

God Bless that dear woman for at the age of  90 doing what I probably wouldn't do any age.  First of all I wouldn't attempt to walk a great distance in the snow.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

[ Edited ]

Everyone keeps applauding this woman....I keep thinking what if she slipped and fell on the ice & snow? 


At the age of 90 there is a very good chance that she could  have easily fallen and broken a hip or another bone.  Even being in great shape once one gets to be that age bone fractures are much more common once you fall.  Then what?  Once one breaks a hip it is often the "beginning of the end" at that age.


To me it doesn't make sense to risk a fall and possible broken bone to get an experimental vaccine.  (The Covid vaccine is still classified as experimental)


That said she is a very determined woman.

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

Well as it's often said here, it's an individual decision regarding covid precautions. Her life, her decision.

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story"
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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

it really is sad though that she has no one to rely on but herself......even someone close to her could have gotten her an uber.

@sunshine45   I live in the Seattle ubers were going to get through the side streets with a foot  of unplowed snow... you have to rely  on yourself during a weather event.  

"Rely on yourself", you say? WHAT A CONCEPT!


If it weren't for my dubious Covid Immunity, I'd be happily trotting along to anywhere where I could get MY vaccine. 

I consider her an inspiration!

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Re: 90 Year Old Seattle Woman Walks Six Miles For Vaccine

@Pook wrote:

Glad she got her shot but cannot imagine being so desperate for that shot that she ignored common sense and put herself in  more danger than not getting it!


@Pook -

So true! This made me think of my mother and I know others with elderly parents.

The same as insisting they are ok to drive when really they are not. Desperately trying to stay independent like they have all their lives.

I hope that I will go gracefully into that good night (sorry Dylan Thomas to paraphrase your beautiful poem which I love and at tmes is such an inspiration to fight on but not in my opinion to be uncautiously reckless!).

and a poem which this 90 year old woman probably would have loved. For me however, I think there are other ways to live into old age with grace and peace and hopefully (I pray) no harm to those we love.



Do not go gentle into that good night
Dylan Thomas - 1914-19

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"