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Is this show really for real????? {#emotions_dlg.blink}

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I don't know if it's real or not but I'm watching it. I watched it last year as well. IMO the people this year are a lot more ""out there"" than last year.

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On 11/9/2014 colliemom3 said:

I don't know if it's real or not but I'm watching it. I watched it last year as well. IMO the people this year are a lot more "out there" than last year.

I remember it from last year too and this year - I don't know what's going on. The episode with Mohammad and the guys in the bar (or wherever they were) - and those girls coming on to him? That looked so set up. It just didn't look real - but who knows?

All these guys live like such slobs. It's like nobody planned anything before they came to this country. They either live with their parents or have room-mates. Brett drove 10 hours to another state, the day after she got there, to bring his daughter back to stay with them for a month? Oh, and they all had to sleep in one bed? And his mother was there to help? And he shares the place with two middle-aged women?{#emotions_dlg.confused1}

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I wonder if any of them will make it this year..... that guy that picked up the Brazilian is sure an odd duck.... she wont put up with his ways IMO.

I wondered about Mohammed drinking.... isn't that against his religion? I really don't know... he insists on following his religion with his fiancé....

I think the couple who went to marriage counseling was interesting.... I think he heard a couple of things he has to think about....

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I like the couple who went to counseling. She is a very mature 21 y/o. I hope they make it. I don't think she came here just for the Green Card - but I think the others did.

Mohammed might have been drinking soda. I think he is following his religion because he doesn't want to get involved with her at all. Once he's been around for a while and meets some people, he'll get rid of her. He's 26 and she's 41 with 3 teens? LOL They live in an apartment attached to a house and share one bathroom?

The guy from Nicaragua too. If he was such a hit over there, why is he here with no job, no nothing. So, he thinks he's going to become a millionaire overnight? There is more to this than we are seeing.

I still think they are here because they want to get their feet in the door and will dump their "fiances" in a heartbeat. JMO

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I agree that most of these situations are extremely odd and some do appear to be staged.

How about the guy that brought the gal to his home and when he opened the bedroom door there was so much junk all over the place you couldn't even walk. Uh...who does that? Plus his dad saying they had lived together and had their own routines for many years and that she has now come into. That is highly disfunctional if it's actually even true.

I thought the Midwestern girl's parents looked more like her grandparents. Anyone else? Not trying to be mean but they did to me.

I was wondering why the guy playing football was drinking too. Surely that is against his religion?

I will be surpised if many of these relationships last.

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Sophia.... Mohammed was drinking beer.....

colliemom.... it was hard to watch that guy who brought the gal home to a dirty room.... he is the one I referred to as an odd guy.... and a green swimming pool? I really wonder what they want from her? to keep their house? I don't know what he does for a living? is the father retired?

How about the guy, Brett, who even went to get his daughter for a month? and expected her to watch the daughter after a day or two?

And what about the gal who doesn't like her diamond and thought it wasn't real?

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there are lots of moslems who drink or eat pork or non-halal foods yet follow every other aspect of their religion.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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On 11/10/2014 game-on said:

Sophia.... Mohammed was drinking beer.....

colliemom.... it was hard to watch that guy who brought the gal home to a dirty room.... he is the one I referred to as an odd guy.... and a green swimming pool? I really wonder what they want from her? to keep their house? I don't know what he does for a living? is the father retired?

How about the guy, Brett, who even went to get his daughter for a month? and expected her to watch the daughter after a day or two?

And what about the gal who doesn't like her diamond and thought it wasn't real?

Right on. I watched it again and it WAS beer.

Also, the "diamond" girl is Brett's g/f - "Daya"... I think she's obnoxious. She's the same one who, when he gave her a bouquet at the airport, she told him she really wanted roses. Geez - a great beginning relationship......

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hi sunshine. You're right. Some Jewish People eat pork. I've seen them do it with my own eyes.

I know of a real life situation in which someone I know, perused Russian websites searching for a bride. They are now married. At first I was very skeptical, and still am somewhat, but they seem very happy together. They have been married for two years. Their courtship consisted of him visiting her there, followed by a few European vacations. He finally brought her here, and they married on the last day before her bride visa expired.