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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 6th baby dies while using this product

Wow - I really hate reading things like this but thank you scottie for getting the word out.

Poor babies and their families.

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: 6th baby dies while using this product

It is unfortunate of all the companies that have gone out of business because of irresponsible parents. Instructions clearly state it is to be used on a floor with supervision. Not in a crib, not while mommy goes to take a shower, not on a table and on and on. I guess you can regulate a business but not stupidity.

I should qualify - this is a company from SE PA so we have been following this product's problems since it's inception in our local papers. As always, the innocent suffer because of the lack of intelligence of their parents.