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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@Mominohio wrote:

Everyone is looking for different things to make their lives easier, but really, most of this stuff that is supposed to make it easier, is actually creating many more complications. 


I don't need and don't want all this stuff. I'm perfectly willing, happy and dedicated to doing things for myself without all these latest gadgets. 


This technology is quickly going beyond handy and useful, to intrusive and disabling (the more of it people use, the fewer skills they seem to have in many areas, because something is doing it for them).



My sister and I had this very conversation--how the tasks performed by these gadgets (find out weather forecasts, play a song, answer a question) but on the back end you have to be more deligient about privacy and concerns about identity is this technology really worth it in the long run....And when something goes bad, its downright terrible!


And like what you also brought up it causes people not to use their own thinking and ideas (taking away creativity and imagination) and finding solutions to problems or performing simple tasks on their own....

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

[ Edited ]

@TenderMercies wrote:

The incident stirring this controversy was so random that it’s silly to me how this has become such a big deal.  I’m of the belief that those who criticize technology are usually just incapable of either understanding it or being able to afford it.  

This incident may have created a lot of media stir, but its certainly not the first....There was a whole thread here on this Forum where people shared incidents of these gadgets eaves dropping---not just Alexa, but Google Echo, and Siri too....and how they used the data they captured on these devices to send advertising suggestions and who knows what else.......

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@Spurt @Mominohio    I agree with both of you.   With all these gadgets, children really don't learn to think for themselves.

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

[ Edited ]

@Shorty2U wrote:

That was a fluke, they are working to fix it. Obviously they had their contacts connected to it.  I don't do emails and connect contacts to my Alexa. Nor do I shop via Alexa. And if the people at Alexa want to hear my conversations I don't care. Maybe they can tell politicians what I think when I'm talking Its not like we sit here spewing off our Social Security numbers etc over dinner. A lot of times Alexa doesn't even answer me when I  say Alexa and ask a question, so I doubt its listening every minute. lol. Those people also used it to control their lights, and everything in their home. I only use to ask questions, play music, or sometimes I ask things while cooking. Anyway Alexa listening (or not)  doesnt phase me.

Just like the mysterious laughing was a fluke,  Alexa talking when not asked on many occasions and then when Dan Wheeler and the vendor played a spelling game, Dan spelled words correctly but Alexa said he was incorrect....the vendor tried it and it didnt work either, items being added to orders and shopping lists---just another fluke....


Here's some humorous stories........


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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

[ Edited ]

@CLEM wrote:

@Spurt @Mominohio    I agree with both of you.   With all these gadgets, children really don't learn to think for themselves.



You see it already in the entertainment world--- the lack of creativity and imagination in TV Shows and movies....and even the lack of the funny and/or creative commercials they used to air....


Now there is some technology in kitchen appliances and cleaning appliances that I absolutely LOVE that don't create privacy issues and helps us to do a chore and saves time, but you still have to use your own creativity in the kitchen, and still have to exert yourself physically to perform the task......

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@Spurt wrote:

@TenderMercies wrote:

The incident stirring this controversy was so random that it’s silly to me how this has become such a big deal.  I’m of the belief that those who criticize technology are usually just incapable of either understanding it or being able to afford it.  

This incident may have created a lot of media stir, but its certainly not the first....There was a whole thread here on this Forum where people shared incidents of these gadgets eaves dropping---not just Alexa, but Google Echo, and Siri too....and how they used the data they captured on these devices to send advertising suggestions and who knows what else.......

@Spurt I think people are totally paranoid.  The device is designed to hear "Alexa," and then respond to what it thinks it hears.  Plain and simple.  If it hears somthing that sounds like "Alexa" on your tv or during your conversation, it's going to do what it is supposed to do.  It's not sitting around waiting to hear you read your credit card number.

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

[ Edited ]

@TenderMercies wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@TenderMercies wrote:

The incident stirring this controversy was so random that it’s silly to me how this has become such a big deal.  I’m of the belief that those who criticize technology are usually just incapable of either understanding it or being able to afford it.  

This incident may have created a lot of media stir, but its certainly not the first....There was a whole thread here on this Forum where people shared incidents of these gadgets eaves dropping---not just Alexa, but Google Echo, and Siri too....and how they used the data they captured on these devices to send advertising suggestions and who knows what else.......

@Spurt I think people are totally paranoid.  The device is designed to hear "Alexa," and then respond to what it thinks it hears.  Plain and simple.  If it hears somthing that sounds like "Alexa" on your tv or during your conversation, it's going to do what it is supposed to do.  It's not sitting around waiting to hear you read your credit card number.



I understand what you are saying about "key words", for example, if you watch the game show Jeopardy with Alex Trebeck that will definitely activate Alexa. and thats happened to many people...........


But It happened to my sister and no words like Alexa were even said and I was there as a witness....And then there was a creepy story about Alexa having a conversation with a repairman....I posted a link with other stories too..

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@TenderMercies wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@TenderMercies wrote:

The incident stirring this controversy was so random that it’s silly to me how this has become such a big deal.  I’m of the belief that those who criticize technology are usually just incapable of either understanding it or being able to afford it.  

This incident may have created a lot of media stir, but its certainly not the first....There was a whole thread here on this Forum where people shared incidents of these gadgets eaves dropping---not just Alexa, but Google Echo, and Siri too....and how they used the data they captured on these devices to send advertising suggestions and who knows what else.......

@Spurt I think people are totally paranoid.  The device is designed to hear "Alexa," and then respond to what it thinks it hears.  Plain and simple.  If it hears somthing that sounds like "Alexa" on your tv or during your conversation, it's going to do what it is supposed to do.  It's not sitting around waiting to hear you read your credit card number.

Perhaps the problem is less with the technology than human elocution.  We've not only become sloppy/lazy with our written words but also with our spoken words, particularly with dropping word endings and running words together.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@Spurt wrote:

@TenderMercies wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@TenderMercies wrote:

The incident stirring this controversy was so random that it’s silly to me how this has become such a big deal.  I’m of the belief that those who criticize technology are usually just incapable of either understanding it or being able to afford it.  

This incident may have created a lot of media stir, but its certainly not the first....There was a whole thread here on this Forum where people shared incidents of these gadgets eaves dropping---not just Alexa, but Google Echo, and Siri too....and how they used the data they captured on these devices to send advertising suggestions and who knows what else.......

@Spurt I think people are totally paranoid.  The device is designed to hear "Alexa," and then respond to what it thinks it hears.  Plain and simple.  If it hears somthing that sounds like "Alexa" on your tv or during your conversation, it's going to do what it is supposed to do.  It's not sitting around waiting to hear you read your credit card number.



I understand what you are saying about "key words", for example, if you watch the game show Jeopardy with Alex Trebeck that will definitely activate Alexa. and thats happened to many people...........


But It happened to my sister and no words like Alexa were even said and I was there as a witness....And then there was a creepy story about Alexa having a conversation with a repairman....I posted a link with other stories too..

@Spurt I've been standing here saying all kinds of words that sound like "Alexa" and watching my Echo light up.  I've had several incidents when I've heard it respond while watching TV, and I didn't think it said Alexa, either.  I think combinations of words or sounds that we may not expect may somehow wake it, as it is a finely tuned electronic device.  I still don't believe it is collecting or sharing personal information. 

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Re: 6 Ways to Keep "Alexa" From Eavesdropping on You

@Spurt wrote:

@CLEM wrote:

@Spurt @Mominohio    I agree with both of you.   With all these gadgets, children really don't learn to think for themselves.



You see it already in the entertainment world--- the lack of creativity and imagination in TV Shows and movies....and even in the funny and/or creative commercials they used to air....


Now there is some technology in kitchen appliances and cleaning appliances that I absolutely LOVE that don't create privacy issues and helps to do a chore and saves time, but you still have to use your own creativity in the kitchen, and still have to exert yourself physically to perform the task......

 @Spurt   Don't get me started on TV shows.  Don't they have writers anymore?  Or do people just don't want to see any really good shows anymore?   Even back in the 90s they had Everybody loves Raymond, which was pretty good.  From what I have seen new shows are just a bunch of one-liners put together with people behaving like immature somethings.