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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

I'm with you.  Who decides what's fabulous anyway?  I don't buy most all the items that are featured.  They are too common and don't have appeal to me.  

I'm in my late 60's and look pretty good for my age. Didn't need Q products to look or get this way.  



What do you want to see on QVC?

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

@LillyandHobo wrote:
I am so tired of this. You have a bunch of 50 plus women making up songs, dances and clothing names non stop! Some are so much worse than others. And now it is going to New York. Lord help us! Not everyone loves this stuff shoved down their throats for almost every program. And yes I do know I don't have to watch, yes I can change the channel. I was hoping this crazy nonsense would stop! Now instead of getting info on the item being shown you get to see who can outdo who!

@LillyandHobo  Thank you!!  I agree 1000%!!

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

[ Edited ]

I agree. I Dont watch any of this stupid, senseless marketing ploy. If the Q thinks having the hosts act like dimwits is showcasing how women in their 50’s and older conduct themselves they are soooo off the mark. Trash tv. I have much better things to do with my time than watch this carp. Such a failure.

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

Although I passed my 50s long ago, I know many 50 year olds who don't act like they're presenting. I'm a bit tired of it and take offense, although I hate to take offense on many things nowadays, that they're pushing that your 50s are a time to start feel empowered. I've felt that my entire life but don't feel that dancing around and giggling is very empowering. To those who enjoy, keep on enjoying, but please don't think you have to wait for your 50s to be empowered. Life does not start at 50, trust me on this.

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

[ Edited ]

@JobGirl wrote:

The Age of Possibility and over 50 and Fabulous is nothing more than their numbers indicate that age group has the most disposable income and are willing to spend it to feel good about themselves, so that is their target auduence.

If reaserach proved it was 30 yr olds who have the $$ that would be their target demograhic....

its about $$$$ nothing else and appealing to those who will spend it at QVC on what they are promoting.


They didn't wake up one morning and decide to celebrate  women.

they jumped on a bandwagon and target audiences they they think will spend their $ on certain things..or the idea of something.... 


its a sales tactic and some of it pretty low reaching...IMO 

When I hear hosts and vendors say my daughters can't wait to be 50 they think we have  so much fun ! 

I know no 20 somethings yearning to be 50+



OF Course it is a Sales Tactic!  That's obvious to all of us.


QVC is a retail store all about selling.  Yes, it IS about making money!!!

Why would a retailer be about anything else???


The amount of employees that earn a living from QVC is far reaching beyond that stage....lots of livelihoods depend on their success.


Marketing is a huge part of any company this size.

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

It's pretty funny when they get upset and outraged that a publicly traded corporation that exists solely to generate revenue and has shareholders is after $$$$!


Do these posters actually think that Qurate is non-profit 501(c)(3)?

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

[ Edited ]


Those "Over 50 women" who suddenly begin celebrating as if they had discovered something special must be very, very late bloomers! We blossomed and grew into fierce women with integrity and ambition in our early teens, 20's, 30's and on . . .
Our husbands were thrilled at our independence and savvy after staying home to raise our children until Kindergarden. Like us, they were delighted we were ready to return to school for another degree or begin a new career with challenges! 
Our parents, grandparents and in-laws were wonderful at encouraging our ambitions, as well as those dreams of ours as a couple. They also knew we had too much pride to let them help financially, but we accepted their ideas and thoughts eagerly. And actually took some ideas to heart!

I do find the training periods at QVC amusing since most hosts don't pay attention to what Mary Beth taught in those classes. One host has been retrained many times over. So many hosts are unable to add, subtract, multiply or divide (like grade school kids do automatically). What do they learn from having QVC's computer help them? Most use incorrect grammar frequently ("Me and Linda went shopping yesterday.") And very few have or use a Theasaurus or are well read.  Several do not have a college degree after all these years! No wonder they can't carry on a decent conversation with guests.
The Over 50 group seem like a pathetic bunch of women who feel it is necessary to talk over each other, fight for the spotlight, dance, yell, swear, participate in podcasts delving into intimate and personal topics, and other juvenile tactics for attention.
It doesn't make sense to females (customers) who have had it all and been very happy and content with their lives forever (including the good and bad times). We blossomed and grew at every age along the way! We broke the glass ceilings of Fortune 500 Companies before age 50 with grace and dignity. 

Perhaps our parents raised us well? Perhaps our marriages were extraordinary? IDK, but we don't need to be 50 to have a great time in this life!  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.



While a lot of what you said makes isn't necessarily true for all women.


Many women did not have the support that you are describing, many did not and do not 'have it all'

You sound very blessed, but it has been much more difficult for other women our age.


How do you know which hosts have or do not have a college degree?

The Meet the Host page doesn't necessarily give that info.


And what difference does it make?  My degree doesn't define me or make me any smarter than anyone else.  It didn't give me the ability to carry on a conversation OR be successful in my career. It is a piece of paper.  My abilities or lack of abilities are not generated from is within me.


My boss didn't finish HS yet is a brilliant businessman that built this company from the bottom himself.

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

Trying to change things up to make programming more interesting isn't a bad thing.  However, I prefer shows done in the studio.  Remote locations are always awkward and glitchy.  Live audiences are also a big no for me.

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Re: 50 and Fabulous is completely played out.

The way I look at it is that every age is an "age of possibility." 🤷🏼‍♀️

There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it.
For example, I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt.