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2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

I'm not saying "resolutions" which never worked for me, but I am pondering what I want to accomplish this year. Looking ahead.


Thinking one thing will be more downsizing. Going to tackle that basement of more Christmas things to get rid of. My husband brought it up the other day. He's tired of boxes up and down. I totally understand, and think I'll get real choosey on this downsizing.


Have you been thinking along these same lines too?

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

Thinking continued health care and maintaince (exercise, better eating habits) and some travel (have to reapply for my passport).

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

I will try to be more productive, but I'm not making any bets . 😂, LOL

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

Change out the calendars. Smiley Happy

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

More downsizing.  Having more 'me' time. 

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

I love the "Tiny House" everything.  I don't know that I could live in one, but I am always left with the thought about how much I spend and how much we really need.  I need to get rid of stuff-especially in the wardrobe and cooking departments (ie, plastic containers without lids).


Books are going to be so difficult: I am a cookbook collector, and I've got tons of books that I've never cracked open.  Leaving them to my kids would be great, but with the Net and sites like Pinterest and All-Recipes etc, the chance of them ever using a cook book is slim to none. My history books, and many older cookbooks, not to mention classics-are staying.....


My yarn stash needs to be organised like nobody's business!  I have a yarn buying problem for which I probably need a 12-Step Program!  I think I will consecutively work on the wardrobe and yarn situation!


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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

I remove a box of something weekly.  I go from room to room taking things out and thinking about what I will use them for now and in the future.  Then I donate to a charity or two that comes to the house on a weekly basis.


And I am losing weight... slowly I must confess, but losing yes, finally.  

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

I'm going to look in the backyard and see how much we have left on the money tree..


.We'll be needing a new car and furnace right after the  new year.  


..oh joy.

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

[ Edited ]

I'm trying to live more minimalistically across all the threads in my life right now. I just need to sit down and prioritize the ones at the top. I really need to clean out my garage.Smiley Tongue

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Re: 2017 is fast approaching. what changes will you be making?

Please, I'm beyond that "new leaf"   I'm just going to live my life the best way I know how.  Same as every year.