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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

Serbia is willing to do something about mass murder using guns. Although the majority of Americans approve of common sense gun control laws, bought and paid for legislators in this country block those measures. Our society is being held hostage by the inaction of congress.

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

@moonandthestars wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

Those like the man responsible for Sandy Hook could not be cured and the medication to alter his behavior has side effects that result in the person avoiding them.

His mother, whom he killed first, provided him with the gun. She is to blame. The school failed to provide security. Had proper security been in place,  only the shooter would have died. 

I remember reading his mother thought that the focus of target shooting helped him gain focus and thought it was helping with his autism.  I don't remember if he somehow had/stole the code to the gun safe or if it was unlocked. That shooter also obsessively played violent video games in his basement.  Obviously she had no idea the monster he was.

The school was unarmed and he was the only one with a weapon of any kind.  They were completely vulnerable with no effective ability to fight back/protect.


It's also been reported, that the trans killer had many possible targets on her list of places to hit, but she purposefully decided against going to  the ones where they had some kind of armed protection.


I am always surprised when people blame the weapon.  IT"S THE PERSON.  What kind of 12 year old shoots someone to death? What is wrong with that kid?  What about the 6 year old who shot his teacher?  The teacher said how he looked at her before he shot her was chilling.


There are mass murders all over the world.  Interestingly when I try to go back on the internet and find the reports of them they seem gone/ can't find them.  Someone very recently I think in brazil broke into a school and knifed people/kids to death - same amount dead as the trans shooter did recently - and in brazil the weapon was just a knife.  Not some kind of AR knife, just a knife. 


Mass numbers of people have been killed with spears, knives, cars, bombs, fire, etc - and I'm heartbroken that that is the case, however why get distracted with the idea that if you eliminate one type of gun then the killings will stop? 




Brazil man kills four children with hatchet in 'monstrous' preschool attack


A 25-year-old man burst into a preschool in southern Brazil and killed four children with a hatchet-like weapon Wednesday before turning himself in to police, an attack President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva condemned as "monstrous".


The attacker, who jumped a wall to get inside, also wounded four other children at the private preschool, known as the Good Shepherd Center, in the city of Blumenau, said police and government officials in Brazil's state of Santa Catarina.


He then rode a motorcycle to a state police station and handed himself in, police said.


The attacker mainly struck his victims in the head, emergency official Diogo de Souza Clarindo told journalists.


He killed three boys and one girl, who were between five and seven years old, Clarindo said.


The wounded children – two girls, both aged five, and two boys, ages three and five – were in stable condition, said the hospital treating them.


'He went to kill'

Authorities identified the attacker as Luiz Henrique de Lima, a Santa Catarina resident with at least four prior arrests, including for stabbing his step-father.


He acted alone, police chief Ulisses Gabriel told a news conference, ruling out a "coordinated" attack.


A teacher at the preschool, Simone Aparecida Camargo, described hiding several children in a bathroom as the attacker killed his victims on the playground.


"He went to the playground to kill," she told news site Metropoles.

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

March 27, 2023


SAO PAULO -- A 13-year-old student in Brazil’s biggest city fatally stabbed a 71-year-old teacher and wounded 3 teachers and 2 fellow students Monday in a knife attack at a public school, state officials said.


The five wounded victims from the Thomazia Montoro school in Sao Paulo were in hospital in stable condition. The suspected attacker was detained and the state's military police is investigating.


“Our efforts are concentrated on helping the wounded and comforting the family members,” Gov. Tarcísio de Freitas wrote on social media.


A student who spoke to reporters alongside his mother outside the school said the attacker had insulted another student last week, and that the female teacher he fatally stabbed had tried to settle the conflict.


The attacker had called the other student a “rat,” and “the other one did not like it, and they began fighting,” said Gabriel Livramento, 13, who is in the same class as the suspect.


He added that the attacker did not like the way the teacher had intervened and had said he would do something about it.


The attacker entered class Monday wearing a skull mask and stabbed the teacher from behind, hitting her head and back, Livramento said. The entire class then started running, he said. He had recently been transferred from another school.

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

I only reported what was on my local news article I saw on my phone. I stand what does the AR stand for...automatic rifle?  Regardless of the name of the weapon, I am still shocked and saddened that a 12 year-old would have such easy access to weapons of any kind. 

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

 The AR in "AR-15" rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s.


"AR" does NOT stand for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle."

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

We don’t even do a good job of ensuring responsible LEGAL gun ownership. It’s laughable if it wasn’t so sad.
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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

[ Edited ]

How the situation in Serbia plays out remains to be seen. It is horrifying to me to think a govt could completely disarm its population. I have to think there are still Serbians possessing firearms.  A few years ago, Australia confiscated all firearms from its citizens...and anarchy was a result. The old saying is still true, when guns are illegal, only criminals will have guns.

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

People feel entitled and take tantrums, like they did when they were children and their parents gave in to their demands. It's on planes, at work, in schools on highways.


They were never taught to manage their frustration, never learned to accept no, so they strike out at others.


Parents aren't around, children are dropped off at daycare, later at school. Daycare workers aren't a substitute for parents and neither are teachers. 


All this about mass shootings as though individual killings are less important. Joggers are abducted raped and strangled, delivery drivers are beaten to death, but it seems only when there is group murder and a gun is involved do we get outrage and that toward the weapon rather than the person.

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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee

@reiki604 wrote:

Regardless of what type of gun is used, gunshot wounds are the highest cause of death of children in the US .It is number 1 in the accident category. This has been reported by the Kaiser Family Foundation, The CDC, The New England Journal of Medicine and many more.





The #1 cause of gun deaths in the United States is?  


hckynut 🇺🇸



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Re: 12 year-old kills a Sonic employee


Just an FYI, Australia had a mandatory buyback of semiautomatic and automatic weapons. There is no ban on ALL guns.