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American West Show - November 9, 2020

I posted earlier that this show "snuck up" on me. I was hoping it would show up on QVC2 or 3, but so far I don't see it. If anyone notices it being rebroadcast on another QVC channel please let me know. TIA!  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 11,337
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: American West Show - November 9, 2020

@beach-mom - I think you're out of luck.  There's nothing showing in the program guides for any of the three channels through the end of the month.  I'm surprised they're not repeating it.


On Carolyn's website she has a link that says "In case you missed our QVC show", but all it does is show you everything they have for sale.

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Posts: 15,413
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: American West Show - November 9, 2020

Thanks @Venezia! Usually I DVR her shows, but I didn't see an email about this one. Oh well. I'll look back at the items presented in the part of the show I missed.  Smiley Sad