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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

Finished Jacqueline Woodson's Leaving Brooklyn in about 4 1/2 hrs.  It was a different read for me w/out conversation or quotations.  Coming of age in the 70s in Brooklyn, NY w/her 3 friends.


Going to read Carli Palmer's Shore House Slumming (chick lit) which the author sent to me after asking if I can have the pb instead of dowloading the ebook which was offered.  She was nice enough to do so.  I guess you can say she wants readers.

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

[ Edited ]

Jim Fergus says there will be a sequel to "One Thousand White Women."   It will be published in mid-2017.  Then there will be a third book as he says he always planned it as a trilogy.


(edited to update publication date of second book)

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

I loved ONe Thousand White Women.  Would love to see a sequel.  LM

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

@sunala Well, duh, it would be nice if I got the title right of a book I just read, wouldn't it? Make that ONE Thousand White Women. I'll go and correct my other post post haste Smiley Happy

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

Last month I bought all the books in the James Patterson with the character Michael Bennett. I'm now reading I, MICHAEL BENNETTt about this druig lord that is causing gang violence in Upstate NY while Michael is supposed to be on vacation.  It's a prequel to the book GONE.. Michael goes after the gangs after two of his sons were  shot. I just ordered the only other book in the series I haven't read called  WORSE CASE.

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

I am halfway through Stephen King's END OF WATCH, last book of a trilogy, and disappointed with the direction the book has taken  so I will probably skim through the rest because I want to know what happens th the three characters I like.

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

I'm reading Death by Tiara by Laura Levine. It's from her super light, cozy Jaine Austen mystery series. It's an easy read with a couple sections that made me giggle.

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

@LoriLori wrote:

Jim Fergus says there will be a sequel to "One Thousand White Women."   It will be published in mid-2017.  Then there will be a third book as he says he always planned it as a trilogy.


(edited to update publication date of second book)

I am "odd one out" on "One Thousand White Women"! Everyone here seemed to love it. I really disliked it!👎🏻

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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

@skyblue wrote:

@LoriLori wrote:

Jim Fergus says there will be a sequel to "One Thousand White Women."   It will be published in mid-2017.  Then there will be a third book as he says he always planned it as a trilogy.


(edited to update publication date of second book)

I am "odd one out" on "One Thousand White Women"! Everyone here seemed to love it. I really disliked it!👎🏻



Nah @skyblue you're not odd one out. I've heard others who weren't crazy about it either. Honestly, I never thought I'd like it. Boy was I surprised when I found myself reading in the middle of the night!


I don't read James Patterson or Danielle Steel. Others go crazy over their books. It's what makes the world go round Woman LOL

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: What are You Reading? ~~ August 2016

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

I'm reading Death by Tiara by Laura Levine. It's from her super light, cozy Jaine Austen mystery series. It's an easy read with a couple sections that made me giggle.

Only a couple???