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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@maximillian I really enjoyed this book. Great writer

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

Dsk, Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" is a most exquisite story.


I first came upon it when I taught tenth grade literature. I always had students read everything out loud. For this story I always had to brace myself for the poignant ending.

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

Snowy days in Michigan give me lots and lots of time to read!



Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young - Young adult Viking novel- It's a great read, but lots of violence.

Once Upon a Texas Christmas by Katherine Garbera - Christmas romance novella, I did not like this one... I am really striking out on my holiday romanece reads.

Not So Nice Guy by RS Grey - very funny and steamy romance novel!


Now I am reading:
Once Day in December by Josie Silver

The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@insomniac2 wrote:

Dsk, Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" is a most exquisite story.


I first came upon it when I taught tenth grade literature. I always had students read everything out loud. For this story I always had to brace myself for the poignant ending.

I agree. I tear up thinking about it. It’s stuck with me over 25 years. 

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

This week I was able to finish Easy Prey, by John Sanford. This was an ok read for me. I am a big fan of John Sanford's, and I don't expect him or any author to always be able to hit it out of the park, especially if you are a prolific writer such as John. 


I am currently reading Mediterranean Caper by Clive Cussler. (Dirk Pitt Novel)



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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@sk888888 wrote:

Long-time lurker, but I do enjoy seeing what you folks are reading, and my TBR list grows every time I lurk!


I just wanted to share that I finished The Library Book (in audio) by Susan Orlean, and really REALLY enjoyed it.  I thought it was going to be all about the Los Angeles Library fire, but she covered that and so much more.  I would recommend this book to everyone!


Next up for me will be the new Jack Reacher, Past Tense.  I also liked Dark Sacred Night by Michael Connelly, a crossover Harry Bosch/Renee Ballard book.  I didn't like the first Ballard book, but this one was much more to my liking.


Thanks, again, everyone - for all the recommendations!


Hi @sk888888!! It's great to see you again!


I have Past Tense on my Kindle. I hope it's better than his last book, although I can't remember the title. I was very disappointed, as Lee Child's Jack Reacher books have always been my favorites. Here's hoping!


I have Dark Sacred Night on hold as well. I didn't like the first Ballard book either, but I thought I'd give her another shot since it's crossed with Harry Bosch. I found her character to be kind of obnoxious, and I'm pretty sure I loved her dog more than I cared for her. Here's hoping.


Come back soon. You've been missed! xox

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Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@icezeus I'm going to put John Sanford on the list of authors to try.

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@insomniac2 wrote:

Dsk, Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" is a most exquisite story.


I first came upon it when I taught tenth grade literature. I always had students read everything out loud. For this story I always had to brace myself for the poignant ending.

Is this it? I found it while looking up this book. It looks very good.

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018

@dsk  @insomniac2   @Bonanzajellybean   @Judaline


Thanks, it's been ages since I've read Truman Capote's stories and the ones I did read were a few of his most catty Manhattan ones.  I've never read "A Christmas Memory."  Ordering his collected stories on Amazon and I just read this in a review and I had to share it:


"These stories are rich, as ricotta cheesecake is rich."


Oooooooookay then.  LOL.  Never read a review where the book is compared to food.  That could be a ridiculous and possibly fun thread -- What food is the book you're reading? -- but LOL don't worry, I'm not starting it.

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Re: What Are You Reading? December 2018




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