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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!


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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

@Alter Ego, that is so cool!  

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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

[ Edited ]

@LoriLori wrote:

@candyagain, Ollie (Ricky Gervais & Jane Fallon's cat) has quite a lot to say about the vacuum.  The vacuum, tuna and his dainty legs are his favorite subejcts LOL.  When The Idiots are sitting him and they vacuum -- uh oh! 


His account also raises money shelters (most times "in honor of"s usually followed by fawning praise of him LOL) and tweets out pics of missing cats, does your daughter do that?  It's a great way to use your audience.


I scanned your daughter's book, it's adorable.  Color me a fan.  And based on the number of reviews on Amazon she's got a lot of them.  Bookmarked the comic strip.  Happy camper.  Thanks again, Proud Mama!

The comic was first only on the website. The series about the mysterious red dot started the interest. There was also a christmas series about the shelter cats, there is a poster with those strips on it and the proceeds go to animal shelters. Two of the Breaking Cats (all real) are rescue cats, Puck has three legs and Lupin is profoundly deaf. Georgia and her husband also rescued a series of pet rats but don't have them as pets anymore. Google Breaking Cat News Shelter Cats Poster to see the series.


I told Georgia you bought and liked the book, she's very pleased. When the series went to newspapers some of the book was repeated for that audience.


Will check out Ollie this evening, looking forward to it!

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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

@candyagain, I just scanned your Georgia's book.  I'm reading a book about perhaps the most depraved killer ever in the US and I'm saving her comedy and kitty feels for after.  I'll need it!


Thanks for the link and all the info on their kitties and the good they do for shelters.  I will be a regular reader in every platform I can, I know Smiley Happy  


Hope you love Ollie as I do.  He used to have a really uncomfortable-looking left fang but this year it had to be removed.  Thus the name.  People, knowing Ricky Gervais and Jane Fallon are behind the account, torment Ollie on Twitter sometimes and that's hilarious stuff too.  Tell him he has "cankles" and he flips out!!!

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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

@Alter Ego wrote:




@Alter Ego, I just saw the story on the news, and thought about the socks.  Maybe he'll recover but it would be beautiful if he went right after her.  


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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

I'll be picking this up this week. It sounds so good.........


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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

Any plans for this weekend.jpg

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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

And books matter!  One woman's book is being credited with playing a large part in the the arrest, yesterday, of one of the worst, most twisted sick prolific sadistic criminals ever in our history.  He got away with it for over twenty years -- and then the book...



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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

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Re: Please Post your Book Covers, Photos and Graphics HERE!

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