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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

A Child Called It, Dave Pelzer.

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

@lolakimono  This book was sad because it was based on a true incident.  The author's child really was killed by lightning. 

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

I just started a very good book called UNDER THE TULIP TREE. A bout slavery in the South.  The story is good by an 101 yr old ex slave woman being interview during the depression year after the 1929 crash.

The interviewer is a young woman who came from a wealthy family in the South until the crash.  She gets a writer's job by a project the WPA has for reporters to earn money and tell about slavery in the South.


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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

You Before Me and Lonesome Dove.  But there are others!!

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?


Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther


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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

@sunala -It's not a book, but a short story from Oscar Wilde called The Happy Prince.  Makes me bawl every single time.  

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

"The Book Thief"   it is one of the saddest but one of my favorite books.  Take place in Nazi Germany.

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

@TurnerGal wrote:

"The Book Thief"   it is one of the saddest but one of my favorite books.  Take place in Nazi Germany.

@TurnerGal  I saw that on tv. It was very sad. 

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

Angela's Ashes.

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Re: One of the Saddest Books You've Ever Read?

The book, "A Child Called It" written by Dave Pelzer.  An autobiography of how he was abused, tortured, and neglected by an alcoholic mother.  We had to read it for a course in college.  It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.

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