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I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

So, a local library has an semi annual book sale and the summer sale coincides with my birthday (tomorrow)!! I always treat myself with a trip to the sale; I get there early so I'm there when the door opens, take my huge fabric library bag, and take my time going through all the tables twice. Today I only spent $7 & came away with 14 books, some by authors that I'm just starting to collect (Daniel Silva & Carla Neggers). Now my own "stash" of need-to-read books is replenished and I'm a happy girl!! Oh, BTW, if you love library book sales the way I do, check out for a listing of sales in your area.

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

I love books too-

these days, I've been collecting cookbooks!

nice find for you-enjoy your books!

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

I'm just in the process of getting books ready to donate for a local sale. It is run by a local church with the proceeds to be split between the church and the library.A good cause and good books for a reasonable price. Book sales are the best !

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

That's fabulous - Jancade.  I do a book sale at our Fairgrounds every year.  They have 2 huge rooms full of books.  Last year I spent about $14.00 also and walked out with a good-sized box of books, at least a dozen.


In March, I'll take my books to the book drive and they will end up on the tables of the book sale at the Fairgrounds next summer. Love it!!

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

yay! good for you jancade! and a very happy birthday tomorrow! looks like you and moonchilde share the same birthday 😊

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

Happy Birthday! That is a great way to spend a birthday.

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Sounds like you got new treasures.  Smiley Happy   I've bought used cookbooks from Amazon before that were decently priced.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Avid reader here.   Never, but never do I buy new - always used - from library book sales, tag sales, and most of all, Good Will.  My local one has a huge selection of books.  I read them, then give them back to recycle since I have limited space to store.  And if I want to read a specific book that I can't find used - I order through my library which has access to all the libraries in the state.  Win win for everyone.

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

I probably don't live near any of you, but I've been donating my used/unused cookbooks. I think it's neat to find something in a used cookbook that might tell where it's from originally. LOL.  Kind of like a rare find.

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Re: I'm so happy--just came back from a book sale!!!

Happy Happy Birthday and good job.

The Dr.'s wives auxiliary here in my town have a bi-annual book sale to raise $$ for the town.  Thurs.-Sat. in Oct. and April.  I always go on Sat. because you fill up (as much as you can get in there) a grocery store paper sack full of books and just pay a $1.00.  No limit to how many bags and can be hard back or paper back.  Novels to old encyclopedias.  I have bought several bags but I have seen some couples with their trunks loaded down with many sacks.  I love the book fairs.

Happy Birthday again!!

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."