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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

@GenXmuse  this book is on my list.  It will more than likely be an audiobook, so I won’t be able to page over the animal abuse part. Can you give me an idea how long that section is? For example, the number of pages it takes up? I can at least turn down the volume for that part.


Thanks in advance.

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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

It’s brief. Maybe about a page.  It isn’t graphic but disturbing nevertheless. I always shudder when there is an animal introduced in the story in these types of books. Hope that helps. 

@esmerelda wrote:

@GenXmuse  this book is on my list.  It will more than likely be an audiobook, so I won’t be able to page over the animal abuse part. Can you give me an idea how long that section is? For example, the number of pages it takes up? I can at least turn down the volume for that part.


Thanks in advance.


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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book



Thanks for the heads up about animal abuse.  I'm not reading any book that has that in it.   

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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

@Bridgegal wrote:



Thanks for the heads up about animal abuse.  I'm not reading any book that has that in it.   

Totally understandable. 

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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

I really liked this book!  I was fooled.

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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

I really enjoyed this book,read it several months ago,posted my thoughts  in that months what are you reading, like others said twist and turns and a few real twisters!

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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

[ Edited ]

@lolakimono wrote:

It was one of those that had a lot ot twists.Cat Surprised


Image result for the wife between us


I will let you do the research, if you like thrillers, but on many of the sites they post spoilers so be careful!



Has anyone else read it, and without giving spoilers, what did you think of it?

@lolakimono- I gave it 3 stars on goodreads. It was okay but not the best. That's all I can say about it, for whatever that's worth to you.

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: I Really Enjoyed This (Thriller) Book

It was absolutely one of my favorites for 2018.  I read it just after Woman In A Window and liked your choice the best between the two books.

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