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Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Reading addict here. I now use Goodreads to keep track of what books I've already read (before that, I kept track of them on "my reading history" in my library's web site. That was problematic, as I'd have to go back through pages of old listings. I've tried to log in some of the more common authors that I've read on Goodreads, but that seems too time consuming, as for some authors, I've read everything that they've written. A lot of my library patrons who are old-school keep track in a notebook (ha). This all started when I would find a book on the shelf, read the jacket, was drawn in, checked it out, started reading only to figure out in about 5 pages that I'd read it already. Just wondered how some of you prolific readers keep track of things. Thanks for any & all responses.--J

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Floor to ceiling bookcase.  Remember them?

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Some like to keep a file on the computer or a list on their phones or tablets alphabetically by Author, genre or title. 

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

I've read thousands of books in the past 20 years alone.  Keeping track never occurred to me.  What would be the point anyway?  I always read a 15-20 pages of book before I purchase it and if I have read it before, it comes back to me.  I might not remember everything about the book but I remember that I already ready it.  I know some people enjoy re-reading favorite books but I'm not one of those people.  I get no pleasure out of re-reading books.

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

It does happen from time to time that I start to read a book & realize that I have already read that one. Not a big deal when I got it at the library, but I hate when I buy a book that I have already read! So many books now are trilogy or series & those make it a little easier. I do have to put stickers on them & number them, so I know which one to read next & then I have a list of which ones that I need to buy or borrow next.

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Sometimes I wish I had started a list of every book I had ever read, back when I was a kid.  Not to keep track, per se, but I think it would be fun to see what I was reading when I was 10, or 20, or 50.  

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Yes I keep track. I have an app Record Books. I get all my books at the library. I never remember the names of books so it comes in handy when I pick up a book, I check the app.

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

I use a paperback exchange and have kept for years a list by author of all the books I have read.


When I am ready to exchange my tote bag of books, the plastic-sleeved pages are right there.


This list has come in handy when folks ask me to recommend an author.  Sometimes an author will venture into another genre and loses his/her touch.  I simply place an " X " by that title so as not to recommend it.


Saves time and money...the memory is limited any more ! LOL

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

I have a Word document - one for books and one for movies.  It helps me keep track of my favorite authors so I can search for other books they've written.  I get most of my books from the library.     

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Re: Do you keep track of the books you've already read?

Yes I do. I keep documents on Word of Books I've Read, and Books I Want to Read.


I add the dates of the books I've read so I know when I read it, and remove it from the Books to Read and add it to Books I've Read, with the date and how many stars I think it deserves.


Books from before about 2006 aren't dated though.

I also keep a marble notebook of books I discover online or through referrals. When I read the book, I highlight it in yellow, and add it to my list of Books I've Read. If I PTB I highlight it in green, and remove it from my list of Books to Read.


I know it sounds very complicated but it works very well for me!

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