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Re: Books That Made An Impact

I loved the books you mentioned, add, Gone With the Wind.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

For children, timely for Easter, The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes.  I still have the book I had as a child. The illustrations are gorgeous.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

@Another new name Sue wrote:

As a child, a book called The Lion's Paw by Robb White.  It was out of print quite a while but is in print now I think.


Oh and of course, the Black Stallion!!  Walter Farley 


As an adult:


Bridge Over San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder.


The last sentence in the book comforted me when I lost my mother.


"There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."


All Quiet on the Western Front by Remarque.  WWI novel reminded me of the tragedy of vets returning with PTSD.


As I look at my books, one is about orphans, one is about people who died in a tragedy, and the last is about war.  I'm not really a gloomy person.  I guess it's the tragedy, the drama.  Thanks for asking this, Sunnyfield.  I enjoyed thinking about it.

Wow!  If it's the same Robb White, I wrote a fan letter to him when I was 10 or 11 or so, 50 some years ago!  He wrote back to me.  Nice...

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

[ Edited ]

Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys when I was  very, very small, maybe 7 or 8 years old.  Harold Robbins, Sidney Sheldon, Judith Krantz, Jacklyn Briskin, two or three Stephen King books later on.  I can't  find any authors like them these days.   And Interview With a Vampire and Lestat.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact


   "Black Beauty," by Anna Sewell

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

[ Edited ]

This is such a great topic.  So many of you have already listed a book or books that I would have shared.  However, there is a book of poems that I still read and read to my grand-children: A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact



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Re: Books That Made An Impact

My family have lived in Louisiana since 1682.  A long distant relative founded the territory for France.  Of course the family lived in many houses, but the one I was brought up in was built in 1825.  I was brought up by my grandparents in the rambling house which had a name and a history,  When I was nine, my grandmother gave me "Gone With The Wind " to read one summer and the history of that era of our nation came alive for me.  I must admit i did not like Scarlett O'Hara. I really wasn't taken in by the hoop skirts and spoiled behavior of some characters but the book did portray the lives of people of the era splendidly.  Can we vote?  Did any one really like Scarlett? 

The thing that gives life its greatest significance is the capacity to care
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Re: Books That Made An Impact

Scarlett was a complex character. She had several positive points (determination, for one), but very often came across as a spoiled brat.


I don't think it's required to LIKE a character in a book, as long as he/she keeps your interest.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

All of the Nancy Drew books

All of the Seckatary Hawkins books

The Enid Blyton Books 

Anything Agatha Christie

Black Stallion books

Green Grass of Wyoming

Robin Hood

The Three Musketeers


Sweet Savage Love-it really made an impact

The Flame and the Flower


Valley of the Dolls

The Crazy Ladies

All Frank Yerby books

The Winds of War


Testimony of Two Men

All Catherine Cookson books

Helen MacInnes books

Mary Stewart books

Harold Robbins-some

GWTW-I liked Scarlett

A Woman of Substance


to name a few!