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Re: Books That Made An Impact

CIVIL WAR WEST'S - Testing the Limits of the United States




Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: Books That Made An Impact

[ Edited ]

Lord of the Flies, William Golding

Schindler's List


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Re: Books That Made An Impact

[ Edited ]

@lolakimono wrote:

@lolakimono, I just listed this book.  It's one I have never forgotten. LM

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

@Sunnyfield wrote:

I thought it would be interesting to share books that made an impact on us...especially as children/young adults.  Here are mine:







As a child, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle, Rootabega Stories by Carl Sandburg and Grimm's fairy tales. As an older child, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. As a young adult, The Mists of Avalon and Clan of the Cave Bear. 

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

I just finished Dean Koontz's "Innocence."  It's all about how we look at things and how they make us feel.  It's an always relevant theme. 

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

I still have my original Little House books and all 40 some Trixie Belden books.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

[ Edited ]




The Shack- William P. Young


Green City In the Sun - Barbara Woods


Hawaii - James Michener


To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee


Illuminata - Maryanne Williamson


The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav


The Purpose Driven Life - Dr. Rick Warren


The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison


Always Looking Up - Michael J. Fox


Book Of Angels - Sophy Burnham 


Valley Of the Dolls - Jacqueline Susann


The Alchemist - Paul Coehlo


Reedeeming Love- Francine Rivers


Seven Thousand Ways To Listen - Mark Nepo



(Not in any special order)


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Re: Books That Made An Impact

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When I was a young girl, I took out a book from the library, With Dad Alone, by Jerrold Beim, about two boys whose mother dies. Their father sends them to stay with their grandparents for the school summer vacation, which in retrospect made me sadder than if they stayed home with their dad. But, Dad had to work so off they went.


When they got home it was so sad because they missed their mom so much. The book impacted me because although I had a very loving mother, it still made me think about how life would be without her. My eyes are getting misty now just thinking about it. I'd love to read the book again but it's totally out of print. 


The other book is The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. When I first read it as a pre-teen, I'd never known that this type of life existed. O-Lan was one of my favorite characters and my hero, and still is. She was so brave and good despite her miserable life.  


Those are the only two that come to mind now. Great topic!

"That's a great first pancake."
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Re: Books That Made An Impact

The Millionaire Next Door.

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Re: Books That Made An Impact

Great Expectations

David Copperfield

Oliver Twist

Little Women

Little Men



and of course! all the Nancy Drew books