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Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

Just curious.  I have a large library of books.  I am wondering if you all have started using a Kindle (or the like) to read new books.  

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I still read bound books printed on paper. I borrow books from my local public library and I return them when I am finished reading or don't want to read further. I do not buy books or read books on my iPad, though I could and have done so very occasionally.


I find I read more comfortably holding a book, turning pages, etc. It's a preference, but I could adapt to electronic books if I had no choice.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I'm on my third Kindle, does that tell you anything ? There are so many advantages, for instance being able to carry a library in your hand. You can also adjust the font and size and the light. I love books, but a this stage of my life I like having the space that my books took up.I think the best part is access, by that I mean I can have a new book in seconds. There are no book stores in my area and the Kindleopened up a whole new world.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I used to read constantly.  Not much now.  But I had shelves and shelves of books.  I eventually gave away or donated most of them.


We have an enormous used book store down the road from me.  It is better organized than a library.


My grandchildren are voracious readers.  Their favorite place to go is to Grandma's book store.


I just like the feel of the paper.  I like to be able to leaf back and re-read a paragraph.  I like to go back (easily) and check out a name.


People who prefer books....well...once a book lover...(and by that I mean books on pieces of paper)....

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

@gizmogal wrote:

I still read bound books printed on paper. I borrow books from my local public library and I return them when I am finished reading or don't want to read further. I do not buy books or read books on my iPad, though I could and have done so very occasionally.


I find I read more comfortably holding a book, turning pages, etc. It's a preference, but I could adapt to electronic books if I had no choice.

I used to go to the library before I retired almost 3 years ago but now I go to a few Free Little Libraries and trying to keep up w/those and all my wins from Goodreads, LibraryThing and other places I've won books from!


I enjoy holding a physical book in my hand but could adapt to ebooks on my tablet if I had to do it for any reason.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

We donated about 150 books during our last move. I buy very few books now. Mostly go to the library. I don’t like reading books on my iPad.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

We have hardbacks, paperbacks, and e-readers.  I like the feel of a book in my hands, but my Kindle goes with me everywhere.  It is much more convenient to have numerous books on my Kindle than trying to travel with heavy books, which I did for many years.  Just having a book with me at all times is great, especially when I have appointments.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I've haven't bought a paper book in years, all my books go on my Kindle.  Why would would go back to books and storing them and dusting them and having them take up space?  However, my middle sister still gives me books occasionally for Christmas or birthday presents.  She's old school in just about everything.

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I've always purchased paperbacks when I wanted to read a book.  Any books I may have had have all been donated.  I do have a kindle, but haven't tried a book on it.  One of these days I will.  

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Re: Are you still buying books or have you replaced them with a KINDLE?

I buy both Kindle and hard copy books.   Depends on subject matter and whether or not I'm going to need to make notations in the book.  I prefer writing in a book vs. notes on Kindle.


And, some books I need/want aren't available in Kindle version.