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All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

Available September 1, 2020

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

Cannot wait!

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

Hope she gets back on track. The last one was a disappointment and I have read everyone of her books. I'll give this a chance, but if it goes the same direction will prob call it a day. Loved most of the others but am getting tired of poor Armand being demoted, disrespected and trashed book after book. Have some pride!  Get another job. Retire...just, move on!!  We'll see. 

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

This series is so addictive--so many characters to enjoy!

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

@dodies I completely agree. I’ve read all Louise Penny’s books and loved most. The last one was the same old, out-to-get Gamache story. And the Clara/art critic part was almost ridiculous. Let Gamache do what he does best: head of the Surete. And let it be. It’s what made the series so successful and she needs to get back there. Penny, at her best, is excellent. Hoping this next one will be. If not, I’m done, too.
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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

I also didn't love the last one.  I'm  tired of him being bullied relentlessly too  I will miss Jean-Guy.  I thought they were a good team.  That relationship also got a bit sappy in the last book.  


All that being said, it grabbed my interest right away and if I'd had time, I would have read it in one sitting.  

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

Thanks for the heads up - just preordered.

I really hated Jean Guy and actively think the author has tried to redeem him the last few books as he was much more palatable. I still won’t miss him as the damage was done in prior books. Wouldn’t miss Clare if she left either.

I do agree with the comment above - kind of wish Gamache would retire and move on to do something else.
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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

Jean Guy is one of my favorite characters in the Gamache series!  He shows such capacity to learn and to overcome his own prejudices.  I love how he loves Annie, even though she is not model beautiful, but someone who is happy and loves life.  I love his relationship with Ruth and how he accepts redemption in How the Light Gets In. (Along with saving Gamache's life).  I suspect we have not seen the last of him, as he has been such a vital part of these books.

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Re: All the Devils Are Here (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel Book 16)

@severusgirl  How the Light Gets In was my favorite in the series.  I love the characters' relationships, especially Gamache, Jean Guy & Isabelle.  Can't wait for the next one.