
Wellness Wednesday #3: Gratitude

by on ‎02-14-2018 10:00 AM

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘Thank You,’ that is enough.”

-Meister Eckhart


On this Wellness Wednesday, I want to share with you something that changed me to my very core. It wasn’t a diet, a material thing, or a major life event. It was gratitude.


True wellness comes from so much more than the food you eat and the exercise you undertake. At least I believe so. Gratitude transforms a struggle into a rewarding challenge. It transforms a small amount into a bounty. It transforms worry into bliss.


I often find myself, when I’m alone, letting my mind wander off and my thoughts drift to small worries that build into bigger and bigger ones. I’m sure you can relate. When that happens, or when I find myself awake at night worrying about the day that’s passed or the day to come…I’ll practice a “gratitude snapshot”…where I reflect on all the things I can find to be thankful for.  By the end of just a few minutes I’m teary-eyed with thanks to God for all I’ve been blessed with.


Having a gratitude list in your planner, your car, taped on your bathroom mirror, can help lift you out of a slump and into wellness of spirit. Your list will look different than mine of course. But I thought I’d list some here to inspire you to do the same:


I’m grateful for clean running water and a roof over my head.


I’m grateful for meals, no matter how simple, that keep me alive and healthy.

(here's the recipe for one of them!)




I’m grateful for the young woman Heaven blessed me with who inspires me, makes me laugh, and teaches me to be a better person. 



I’m grateful for my dreams and goals…they keep me moving forward, inspire me to improve, help me to get up when I fall down. Here’s a livestream from awhile back about my vision board..I encourage you to make your own!


I’m grateful for every opportunity I can take to focus on health, the improvement of my fitness, my peace of mind. 




I’m grateful for coming across words that lift me up when I feel challenged.




I’m grateful for the dog I didn’t ask for but got sweet-talked into adopting by a certain 7-year-old! <3 




I’m grateful for the small things that bring me to happy tears: sunrises, my favorite song, Gabby playing the ukulele, the “beep” my badge makes when I walk in to QVC (no lie…I still can’t believe I’m here).


I’m grateful for the incredible people I meet everyday from all over the world. 



And I’m grateful for the beautiful souls who work so hard, support their families, and bring smiles to millions when we come together on the air. 




I’m grateful for the hardships I’ve suffered. Knowing grief, loss, and heartbreak help the joys be even sweeter and build you into the better person you are today.


I’m grateful for every teacher who took the time to pass on valuable knowledge to me, and pushed me to move past my comfort zone (I used to have a debilitating fear of public speaking…thank you Mr. Levy for getting me through that!).


I’m grateful for my family. They sacrificed so much so I could thrive, learn, and grow. Here’s five generations of my fam! 




I’m grateful for you…if you made it this far you’ve shared a least a few minutes with me. Your time is precious and you gave some of it to my words. I cannot thank you enough.


In our quest for wellness it’s easy to feel defeat, feel overwhelmed, compare ourselves to others, and be so close to giving up. A gratitude check-in can help hit our reset buttons so we stay on track and remember how far we’ve come.


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

-Melody Beattie


I hope this inspires you to find the abundance that is all around you…Thank You!


Read our first two Wellness Wednesday blogs here and here!


Be well…

Stay Connected with Jennifer:


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