
Protecting Your Skin Against the Elements

by on ‎01-03-2013 05:31 PM

The change of seasons has the potential to wreak havoc on your skin. Take control with Dr. Gross's top tips for caring for your skin throughout the winter season.

1. Exfoliate daily during the winter months.
Dry skin can clog pores. Instead of using scrub cleansers, which can irritate your skin, gently exfoliate with alpha and beta hydroxy acids. Try one of Dr. Gross’ best-selling peels to micro-exfoliate your skin.

2. Remove your makeup.
One of the biggest skin-care mistakes you can make is leaving your makeup on at the end of the day. Doing so can clog your pores and oil glands. This is important to remember year round.

3. Switch moisturizers.
Give up your oil-free moisturizer for the winter and switch to a heavier alternative. Try Hydra Pure Intense Moisture Cream for a luxurious and nourishing experience.

4. Wear sunscreen every day, even during the winter months.
Snow reflects the sunlight on the ground back up to your face, so it can increase your chance of sun damage. UV rays can also penetrate glass, so unless your windows are specifically treated with UV protection, you can incur sun damage just by sitting in front of a window in a living room, office, car, or airplane.

5. Avoid harsh products during the winter.
They can backfire by intensifying redness in already-sensitive skin. Dry skin is one of the biggest issues people may experience during the cold-weather months. Dr. Gross's potent Trifix Acne Clearing Lotion is gentle enough to use daily underneath your makeup.

Besides switching up your skin-care routine, what else do you do to prepare for winter weather?

—The Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Team