
Nostalgic Toys

by ‎06-29-2016 05:45 PM - edited ‎07-01-2016 09:12 AM


Hi Friends!


When it comes to holidays, there is no hiding my enthusiasm for all things entertaining, color, decor and FUN! Well, it's no wonder I am kicking off our Christmas in July sale on July 1st at 1am with a BRAND NEW SHOW. It will include some of your old-time favorites! It's all about Nostalgic toys --- you know, the ones WE grew up with --- and will introduce them to the little ones in our lives today! Needless to say, THIS KID got some play time with items from the show, uh hem-hem, I mean, "test" them for quality assurance purposes Smiley Very Happy Did I get into any mischief? Well, you can decide for yourself from the photos below... 


I couldn't wait to relive that classic piano scene from the movie BIG when I saw this 

HearthSong Giant Colorful Musical Note Keyboard Mat. It is bright, colorful and sounded great! Prince Charming wanted to try it out too! Here he is giving me a solid D Flat! Smiley Happy





I actually had lots of fun using my imagination with the next toy. It's a Tabletop Puppet Theatre that comes with a whole cast of hand puppets. Check out the video I put together below. It's an EPIC love story that could surely win an oscar for several of the performances.  



That Prince Charming...always wants to be in the spotlight! 




Remember Little Golden Books? Well we brought in the original collection. all the titles you remember from your childhood are ready to be shared with any little loved one.
P.S. ...Coco loved reading, "The Poky Little Puppy" together.






We will even have Lincoln Logs in the show, which are my all-time favorite building game for the little kids. I use these with my nephew, Duke, all the time, and I'm so excited that we will have them during my show. Watch how these logs make building and learning architecture easy...



There are 153 pieces in the set! It comes with instructions and I built this scene in minutes.






I also got to play with....errr....I mean "test" our Calico Critters collection. These fuzzy friends all learn how to live and play together in the same house. They are so soft to the touch, and the attention to detail is really amazing. 






Well, I better get back to work.... hehehe... if you want to check out more items from my show, tune in on July 1st at 1AM EDT to see these presentations and others.






What was your favorite toy as a child? 


Shop Christmas in July 2016.JPG