
Mantra 4 Today

by on ‎09-19-2016 03:35 PM

For as long as I've been on social media, I've been a fan of sharing words of inspiration and motivation. As a writer and avid reader myself, I know that just a single powerful sentence can change my entire day. And life is changed for the better one day at a time.


Each day on my Facebook and Instagram pages I share words that strike me as particularly powerful, tagged "Mantra4Today." I choose them because they lift me up, move me forward, make me feel good. And I so want to share that good feeling with all my friends. I thought I'd share a few of my favorites and their captions with you here on my blog, in the hopes that they lift you up too. The last one just may be my favorite. But that changes all the time!




"How you'll get there is actually the easiest part...because it's not even your concern.


Just decide what you want, where you want to go, who you want to be. Then...


Let go and let God.




Remember that whatever you have now is what someone else is only dreaming of having...let's be grateful!




Face life with your chin up, arms open, smile wide, and eagerness endless. You will not be disappointed.




It really is this simple.

Challenging at times, of course.

But life would be so dull without the challenges.





I meditated at sunrise at the spot you see pictured here. I hope you don't mind me sharing the thoughts I had at that time...


Take a moment this morning. Before you start running through The Checklist of what must be done. And look back for a moment. To some of the most difficult challenges you've faced in the past. What do you remember?


I remember struggling with bullies in school, driving me to be anxious and fearful

I remember watching my infant daughter sleep and wondering how I was going to do this alone.

I remember my heart being broken and wondering if I could find love again.

I remember health scares for both Gabby and myself.

I remember when life literally brought me to my knees in prayer, as I was so confused about what path I wanted to take in my career and I just wanted direction.


And I thank God for every one of those challenges. They brought me to this moment. Who I am, who I'm becoming. Hopefully, just a bit better, stronger, wiser, more respectful and grateful each day. They brought me to joy. Go figure!


Your challenges have done, and are doing the same. An they will continue to bring us all closer to who we are trying to become. It goes on. It goes better. And we get better. Every day.


Bless and praise the challenges. They shape us for the joys. And I wish you so many joys.


Do you have a favorite quote? Words of encouragement you'd like to share? Please list them below!