
Leftover “Stuffle Stacks”

by on ‎11-26-2016 05:30 PM

As the saying goes “waste not, want not!” Well, the days after Thanksgiving are definitely a time when we want to creatively gobble-up the leftovers.  Here is a recipe idea.



Leftover “Stuffle Stacks”




4 cups of leftover stuffing

2 eggs, beaten

Sliced Turkey

Mashed potatoes


Cranberry sauce


First, preheat a waffle iron to medium-high. In a bowl, mix together the stuffing and eggs until you get a dough-like consistency.



Prep the top and bottom of the waffle iron with cooking spray. Spoon the stuffing into the waffle maker and spread evenly.



Close and cook until golden.  You’ll know they’re done when the waffles can easily be lifted out of the waffle iron – about 4 to 6 minutes.


Meanwhile, heat the mashed potatoes, turkey and gravy (I used my microwave).


Now Stack! Start with the waffle base, then scoop on your mashed potatoes.  Add your turkey and gravy.  Don’t forget the cranberry sauce!!  







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