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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

There is not a lot you ca do, outside of surgery. But exercises really help support the skin better. I always do the Lion yogi move, and the one where you kiss the ceiling. I swear it helps.

If you have recently lost weight, you could still tighten a bit. It takes a few months or longer for skin to tighten up after weight loss...if it does. That is why slow weight loss when you are over 50 is important. The older you are, the less hormones and collagen production you have to make elastic skin.

Other than that, you have to just forget it, exercise eat right and get a good firming neck cream. It can help. Won't cure it, but helps.

Also, a P once told me a normal part of living is for your skin muscles to relax for a few days, then it tightens again. When we are younger we never notice.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Just last weekend, someone took a picture of me and I worried that they may put it on facebook. Well, they did put it on facebook along with a bunch from the party and , surprise!, it was a great picture of me. Now, since that very rarely happens , I was so happy. It actually looked like the me that I think I am. So, now I feel pretty good about myself! LOL! Yeah, actually, it was just one moment in time because, honestly, I run from the camera as fast as I can.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Ok. thanks for your responses. I feel a little better about it. there are a couple of photos that honestly don't look bad. I guess I've been focusing on that one bad split second in time that the camera happened to catch .

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

I hate when that happens. Last year I put on a lot of extra weight and I didn't even notice it until I seen a picture of myself. I have really bad hair so my hair does not look good in most photos.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

No, nothing short of a lower face and neck lift will fix your neck area, but you can improve the photos by scanning them into your computer and using photoshop tools like the blurring tool and the healing tool to get rid of the lines.

I attended a summer wedding and before I printed out the photos for a couple of albums, I digitally gave some of us a digital facelift so that the photos would look nicer. Just like what a professional photographer would do before printing them out.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

I have never been very photogenic, so it hasn't gotten any better for me as I have grown older. I just do the best I can with good skincare, etc. and try to show my better side for photos. Don't we all have a better side of our face?

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

No wonder people take selfies. Lighting & photoshop work wonders

Posts: 55
Registered: ‎08-27-2012

Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Oh cringe when the FaceTime feature pops up on screen...and it always catches me off guard and never in an opportune time ( SMILE )...

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

On 1/9/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

It's really interesting to read about the phenomenon of seeing ourselves in photos. So often we don't look the way we think we do and we assume the photo is the truth because "a picture doesn't lie" as the saying goes. If it's any comfort, the "truth" lies somewhere in between the photo image and our own mental image. A camera stops you for a millisecond in time whereas the way others see us is in motion. Another person sees you from different angles as they and you move about. Even if you stand still there is some movement in our bodies. People don't stand frozen speaking to each other. So although the camera is not actually "lying" it is showing you just one very small moment in time that the human eye and mind would interpret differently.

Good points, 'Babe.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

On 1/9/2015 Preds said:

My depressing moment came when I realized I looked more like my Boxer "son" than I did my beautiful daughter.{#emotions_dlg.scared}

And what's wrong with THAT??? Smiley Wink
