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there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

I was just looking at some photos of my daughter's wedding in November and a couple of the photos of me were kind of shocking. my face looked OK, but OMG, my neck! I guess when you look in the mirror every day you just don't notice the changes as much. but seeing those photos made me realize how much help my neck needs. I have loose, crinkly (is that a word?) looking skin on my upper neck. I guess that's what people refer to as "turkey neck" ? I've lost a little weight over the past year and plan on losing quite a bit more. I'm not sure if my weight loss is what caused the dramatic ( to me) change, or if it's just a sign of aging that I hadn't really noticed before. I'm no spring chicken @ 63 , but overall my skin looks pretty good. short of surgery, has anyone had any success with improving this area?

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

My neck isn't the only thing that is crinkly

No thought is worth thinking.....
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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

It's really interesting to read about the phenomenon of seeing ourselves in photos. So often we don't look the way we think we do and we assume the photo is the truth because "a picture doesn't lie" as the saying goes. If it's any comfort, the "truth" lies somewhere in between the photo image and our own mental image. A camera stops you for a millisecond in time whereas the way others see us is in motion. Another person sees you from different angles as they and you move about. Even if you stand still there is some movement in our bodies. People don't stand frozen speaking to each other. So although the camera is not actually "lying" it is showing you just one very small moment in time that the human eye and mind would interpret differently.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Hi Mochahoney--Sometimes, and there's no rhythm or reason, my upper neck, looks crinkly wrinkly. And it's most noticeable when I turn my head. Has nothing to do with weather, hydration or anything I can think of, but it's just like that sometimes.

My holy grail product for this problem is and eye cream that I always got in kits (Suzanne Organics) that I don't really need for my eyes ....yet, lol.

When I put this eye cream on, my neck tightens up and looks just like my daughter's. I keep it in my handbag for just in case. I don't need it every day, but when I do, boy do I need it! Nothing worse than when you're talking to someone and they are looking at your neck!

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

My depressing moment came when I realized I looked more like my Boxer ""son"" than I did my beautiful daughter.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Yeah. If my neck sags any lower I'm turning to duct tape. They say you can use it for ""everything""..............

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Some wonder why I have DH block out my face when I post any photos of me in my outfits. Wonder no more.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

^Tell me about it! I used to love having my picture taken - now I run.

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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

On 1/9/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

It's really interesting to read about the phenomenon of seeing ourselves in photos. So often we don't look the way we think we do and we assume the photo is the truth because "a picture doesn't lie" as the saying goes. If it's any comfort, the "truth" lies somewhere in between the photo image and our own mental image. A camera stops you for a millisecond in time whereas the way others see us is in motion. Another person sees you from different angles as they and you move about. Even if you stand still there is some movement in our bodies. People don't stand frozen speaking to each other. So although the camera is not actually "lying" it is showing you just one very small moment in time that the human eye and mind would interpret differently.

BlueCollarBabe ~ Thank you for making me feel better! Smile

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: there's nothing like seeing a photo of yourself for a reality check

Neck exercises

Tilt your head back and pull your chin up tight, count to ten. Do this several times each day.