Posts: 38
Registered: ‎01-04-2013
On 5/10/2014 beautydiva said: Omg. You guys are all so right. A lot of companies hire people based on age and looks. I am older and in the buiseness. I have even heard bosses say this. MAC promotes to the younger crowd that want a funkie look. And the sad part is all these sales people really believe that are "makeup artists". And are sooooo full of themselves!

^This is the truth.

They are in a service position and forget that they are there to be nice and serve the customer.

I blame Candi with an "i" for the OP's bad experience. Just selling a lipstick is not worth her time and moved on in hopes of a larger commission.

Note to self: Remember, it's not you, it's not your age, it's not the way you look... it's the sales person.

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Some employees of posher stores tend to expect clients dripping with expensive clothing and jewelry. They also forget those of us in our middle ages are the ones with the money, not the young.

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I've not had any bad experiences at MAC counters (we don't have a store) or most makeup counters. I can become quite chatty when it comes to makeup and the sa usually chimes right in. I had a huge problem when I was younger though. When I was at the counter of Hudson's/Marshall's/Macy's it was like I was invisible. Worse yet I was very quiet and shy. The older women would cut right in front of me all the time and the sa knew it but figured that they had more money to spend. One day I found my voice when I was a bit older and they stopped doing that.

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On another thread about MAC, I told about being ignored and/or questions dismissed by sales reps. This has happened in LV, Austin, Phoenix and Dallas. Many jumped in and responded that they had NEVER had a rude rep at MAC. Kinda put down my comments. I'm no young chick but I have money to spend but not at MAC.

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Registered: ‎10-19-2013

Reading the experiences posted here, I'm reminded of a time when I went to Sephora. There were about 3 SA's just doing nothing, chatting, kind of walking around trying to look busy, and one was helping a young, hip woman.

Another woman and I (I in my 50's and she looked about the same) were standing there looking around in surprise that nobody had asked if they could help us.

I went up to an SA and said I'd like to be helped, and that woman has been waiting to be helped, too.

It irritated me so much I emailed Sephora when I got home and the subject line was "What happened to Sephora's Customer Service?".

I received a quick response, please tell us when this was, so sorry it happened, let us send you a $25 gift certificate to make it up. I responded "No, I'll take my business elsewhere", but of course I've been back several times subsequently. :-)

I recall a while ago they had woman in I'd guess her mid-50's working there. Good shape, no discernible cosmetic surgery, a "real" looking woman. I thought that was great! Don't know if that was a common practice (help for those over 40) or if their customer base is generally young so having a "token mature woman" wasn't cost effective.

Have any of you have been to a Sephora recently noticed any contemporarily-aged women?

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On 5/10/2014 MarenSeattle said:

Have any of you have been to a Sephora recently noticed any contemporarily-aged women?

There are several at my fav Sephora. One scared me the last time I was in by saying, Hi, (insert my real name here)." Yikes, I am in there too much!

But, seriously, there are about five at the Perimeter Sephora and they are wonderful and knowledgeable.

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Registered: ‎10-19-2013
On 5/10/2014 BellaCarro said:
On 5/10/2014 MarenSeattle said:

Have any of you have been to a Sephora recently noticed any contemporarily-aged women?

There are several at my fav Sephora. One scared me the last time I was in by saying, Hi, (insert my real name here)." Yikes, I am in there too much!

But, seriously, there are about five at the Perimeter Sephora and they are wonderful and knowledgeable.

That's wonderful! And there's no such thing as spending too much time in a Sephora. :-)

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Registered: ‎04-04-2014
customer service in general is on the decline in my experience
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Registered: ‎06-09-2010
I still love to be waited on by a good sa in a department store; however, I feel so empowered that I can get anything on the internet without the face to face. I've had my share of rude and pushy sa's over the years. It's nice to have other outlets for purchasing, especially too since I don't live in a large city with lots of counters.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 5/10/2014 tigriss said:

Some employees of posher stores tend to expect clients dripping with expensive clothing and jewelry. They also forget those of us in our middle ages are the ones with the money, not the young.

I totally agree