Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎08-05-2010

o/t man you dont miss electricity until you dont have it

I was without power for three days because of the snow storm that hit the east coast. Going to bed at 6:30 p.m. when you dont have to. Just about our whole area/city was out. Trees older than me down all over, road closures, stop lights not working. The worse part was the last time I took a shower was Thursday hair was all matted..oh what a mess. My power came back on late Monday..finally today starting to get back to normal. I took a nice warm shower and I think I drained the hot water heater. All my food went bad and had to toss it as it was warm during the day. Just about all the snow has melted but the long term damage is still around. Man you dont realize how much you depend on electricity until you dont have it. I dont know how people did it before Mr. Edison came up with his "bright idea" of electricity.