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Posts: 237
Registered: ‎09-06-2010

laura has so many choices for your brows i have never really did anything with my brows because i could never put on right or choose the right color but i want to try one of laura's brow but don't know which one choose. So can you geller girls help me tell me which brow liner you like the best between her powder liner or her pencil liner. thanks.

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Posts: 1,177
Registered: ‎07-04-2014
No help? Well Laura doesn't have a soft black so I'm out. But Smashbox makes an award winning brow cream ,brush dou and each has two colors. The midnight brown/caviar set has the warmest prettiest brown and a soft but true black. You customize each part of each brow as you like them and finish the effect with the brush so you don't have those paint by stencil brows, remember? I'll bet you'd love a set in your own shades. They aren't that expensive but they're of excellent quality and last forever.