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Posts: 666
Registered: ‎12-03-2010

Re: clear orthodontic aligners

I did mine a couple of years ago.  Best investment in myself, and I am happy every day I did it.  I paid all of the cost myself, and would do it again.  I think an orthhodontist is better than a dentist for results.  

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Posts: 298
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: clear orthodontic aligners

I am just finishing 20 weeks of wearing SureSmile aligners, seeing my dentist every 3 weeks for progress checks. I had a nice smile, but upper teeth were "bunching up" after a molar started moving in my 30s, and eventually the crowding was pushing teeth inward and up. This Dentsply product is less expensive than Invisalign and seems to be recommended for less severe cases. I change them out every week...honestly, the results are absolutely incredible and WAY BEYOND my expectations! ( My opinion is to avoid SmileDirect if you want a guaranteed good result... should the bone adjust in a way unintended, your dentist/orthodontist will be aware and catch it. Smile Direct is sort of the wild west...may work out, might not.) Good luck!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,149
Registered: ‎08-25-2010

Re: clear orthodontic aligners

DH has had Invisaligns for almost a year and they've worked out beautifully. Our dentist referred him to an orthodontist. He also had conventional braces as a teen, but his teeth had spread out over the years to the point that he had a very noticeable space between his front teeth, as well as spaces between many of his other teeth. In addition to being unsightly, it was beginning to affect his speech. The orthodontist took impressions of his teeth to have the Invisaligns made. He got 28 sets. He changes them every 10 days to 2 weeks and sees the orthodontist every couple of months for a checkup. He doesn't need to see her for "tune-ups" like he did with the old metal braces  - he just goes to the next set of Invisaligns. You can't notice them when he's wearing them, which is whenever he's not eating. At this point, the space between his front teeth is barely noticeable. We had to pay the entire cost ourselves, but it was money well spent.