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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

@BibioneHave you ever tried using a corrector (in the right shade for your skintone) under your concealer  to hide dark circles?  I believe @Shanus has posted here about this, maybe she'll see this, chime in and lend her knowledge.

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

@Spacrazy wrote:

Ordered one each of the four new Campanelli FreshFace 8-Piece sets (just sorry they weren't here for Christmas); L'Occitane 4-piece set; rms Back2Brow; rms Beauty Oil and Chloe Love Story.

@Spacrazy  I'm tempted to buy the RMS brow powder but I lost some of my brow tails and also a  little of the part nearest the nose.  I don't think it will cover bare skin and look natural.


That's quite a nice haul, enjoy all your goodies!

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

Hey @decaf :  I have fingers crossed about the back2brow but I read several recommendations in these blogs and Lord knows I've tried everything else.

The FreshFace is loved by all the branches of the family tree so will go quickly (I really wanted them for Christmas).  Only thing I'm unsure of is the Love Story EDP.

I justify all my purchases on how much I save on shipping LOL.


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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

@SpacrazyIt's not justification, it's true!  I'd love to hear your opinion of the RMS Brow product if you have time to post one here.  

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

I will absolutely let you know @decaf  just as soon as I get it (of course, we know how that goes).

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

I bought some JM items earlier in the day.
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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

A master class is offered when you actually learn something. I can't say I learned any new application techniques. Or even coloring. Then again, I only watched a little on Fri. night.


When Ilana Harkavi was on years ago, I learned things. Also w/ Holly Mordini.





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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

@Bibione wrote:

I love Tweak,it really works for me. I got the Tulipia TSV plus a couple of other kits on sale. I got also the Kim Gravel concealer due. I tried many concealers, like Nars, Huda,BM,It , RMS, Tarte, Too Faced etc.. I must have real dark circles, they don't cover much. 

@Bibione   I saw the post by @decaf  referring to correctors. It's a definite "must" if your undereyes have a lot of darkness. Correctors are like a concealer, but have a peachy tone that cancels out the dark areas under the eyes before you use concealer. It prevents you from having to use too much concealer which can crease or look heavy. 


For drugstore, I recommend Pixie Corrector and I use Bobbi Brown's corrector...have used this product for decades.


Enjoy all your purchases and feel free to ask any other questions. 

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

@KBEANS wrote:

I love Beauty Days. I think it's a bit much though. 24  hours is sufficient. Been tuning in intermittently.

 I have promised myself not to buy anything until I finish what I have. Was tempted with RMS but refrained. 
I guess the tips they are giving are the "Master Class" ?  

@KBEANS   I think the term Masterclass was just a come on. No hosts there are masters in beauty and some are actually a deterrent to purchase.

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Re: Your opinions of "Beauty Master Class", Two Days Of Beauty

Well, QVC had something on their  main page where you could watch video's  but it's been taken down . I din't have time  to view yesterday . Guess, that was their Master Class  beauty tips.