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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@Luv2Watch Welcome!🥰 This sounds like a scent I would like! I empathize with you regarding migraines because I get  them periodically, and am sometimes confined to bed.❤️


It is hard for me to walk into Macy's and not want to take a stroll to the fragrance counter!😁 Even if I do not make a purchase, I smell wonderful when I leave!😂


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

Coco Madamoiselle.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@Carol Diane wrote:

Lancome Tresor for decades...I don't even experiment with other scents.  I get compliments constantly when I wear it.

@Carol Diane Welcome!🥰 I LOVE❤️ it also! I became acquainted with Tresor when I purchased the Today's Special at HSN, several sunsets ago. I am sometimes asked where I purchased it.😁


THANK you  SO much for caring to share!🤗



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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@monicakm wrote:



I wore this fragrance as well. I may still have a bottle.  That's not it, it's the Lancome Idol that comes in a flat bottle that won't stand up. The tester didn't come in a flat bottle. I was not too happy that I couldn't add this to my makeup tray at the time.

@monicakm Welcome!🥰 I, too, like Idole! I was gifted a tube of it by my DSIL; who is now in heaven; and still have it. I use it VERY sparingly, because I NEVER want to run out of it.❤️


This is a bit off topic but I LOVE the beautiful totes and cases that Lancome uses for their TSV sets! I have a BEAUTIFUL crushed red velvet case with gold colored zipper that I will never part with.😊


THANK YOU SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@monicakm wrote:



My current favorites are Kayali's Musk ( it's a light Musk) and Kilian's I Don't Need a Prince to Be a Princess.

@monicakm 😂 I want to try "I Don't Need To Be A Princess because of the name!😂


THANK you SO much for revisiting and sharing!🤗


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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@Mombo1 wrote:

@SandySparkles   I was a Pure Grace girl for many years, but the formula has definitely changed.  I currently love White Tea by Elizabeth Arden.  It is a soft floral.  I especially like the body cream. Very pretty clean feminine fragrance but not over powering.  

@Mombo1 Yessss! Pure Grace has changed and not for the better! One of my daughters LOVED❤️ it, and wore it for a number of years. She noticed the difference and is longer a fan.😁


I am going to sample White Tea, as it sounds interesting, and like something I might enjoy!😊


THANK you SO much for the detailed description!🤗


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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

@Scooby Doo wrote:

I haven't worn perfume for 20 yrs but when I did it was Angel.

@Scooby Doo Welcome!🥰 I am unfamiliar with Angel.🤔 Will you share who it is by?😊


THANK you SO much for sharing!🤗


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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

[ Edited ]

I like Marc Jacobs daisy perfume. I have a few roller balls.

I got a sample of the RMS Scarlett moon and after it dries it is so nice. I am going to get it sometime next few months. Going to get some empty rollerballs and put it in there since I like rollerballs rather than spraying it on.

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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?

I remember those GWPs I would get from Lancome at Dillard's, Foley's, and Macy's.  I still have a couple of the makeup bags. Never got the crushed red velvet though. That sounds gorgeous.

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Re: Your Favorite Perfume / Cologne, And Is It Your Signature Scent?



I stopped buying full size perfumes about 3 or 4 years ago and only buy the 10 mL travel size so I can have a bigger variety of fragrances. When I bought princess, the original one, I went back to eBay and bought the full size. That's how much I liked it. But the seller didn't send the original princess. He sent Princess Light. I made arrangements to send it back but before I did I let my husband smell it and he liked it.  I was starting to like it more and it's more wearable so I decided to keep it.  It's what I call a beautiful scent. It's not too sharp and it has a bit of sweetness to it. Sometimes I'll wear princess on my neck and a little bit of Kayali Vanilla|28 on my wrists.