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OMGoodness.  DH needs to cancel retirement for a couple of weeks.


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@monicakm   Beautiful pastel shades. Are they the same? Not much difference on my monitor. Chanel came out with similar summer quads.

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The quad in the top photo is sightly darker than the bottom one.


Monicakm, did you ask dh to postpone retirement? Woman LOL

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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@monicakm  Oooh that is a beauty! I like the ombre packaging a lot and the eyeshadow colors are pretty!  Maybe it could be a reward for doing a great job with your PT for yor back and cardio? Smiley HappyHeart

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The pics are the same.  Shades aren't doing anything for me.

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I love the compact. So pretty! The shadows look really nice too.

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I see a distinct difference in each shade.  I want this Chanel quad so bad I can taste it.  Should have found it last year and it would be mine.  It's $100 on eBay Smiley Surprised

CHANEL  LES 4 OMBRES  Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow #88 CORAL TREASURE (LIMITED) - Picture 1 of 3

CHANEL  LES 4 OMBRES  Multi-Effect Quadra Eyeshadow #88 CORAL TREASURE (LIMITED) - Picture 3 of 3

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I don't have to.  His customers won't let him and he won't say no.  Srsly, he is starting to slow down.  He was home all week last week and all this week till Friday.

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E/S colors aren't for me but it's the packaging Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Gorgeous, right @monicakm ? Pricey, too. Some makeup brands are getting out of sight expensive!!!