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I'm blonde, but by now my hair is dark blonde (and white).  I always use the same color - L'Oreal 9N, Natural Blonde.


Well, I think someone put the wrong color in the box cuz my hair came out quite dark.  I won't be washing my hair again til Saturday (today's Wednesday) and I'll use a shampoo that is NOT for color treated hair - that way, I think it'll get a little lighter.





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@spent2much    It would have been a good idea to shampoo it right away and hard so you can get some of that color out.  I would not wait and shampoo vigorously.  The more you shampoo, the more the color will come out.

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@spent2much    I also had an issue with my longtime L'Oréal hair color 8G Golden Blonde except it was much lighter than ever before. Always leave it on the same amount of time but it almost seemed to be all bleach. I wonder if the pandemic affected anything.  Weird. 

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Yes... VERY strange.  Never happened before and I've been using it for years!  Well, not the end of the world.  I'm probably not going anywhere til Sunday, so I'll see what a Saturday shampoo does to it.



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Right after I colored it, I got in the shower and shampooed.  But I used Wen, which does not affect the color at all.  S'ok.  I'll wait til Sat. and, as I mentioned, I'll use a shampoo that's not specifically for colored hair.  It should lighten up a bit.  If not, I guess there'll be a new girl in church Sun.  {*_*}



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Use a clarifying shampoo a few days in a row. It takes the color out fast.

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When I was coloring my hair (touching up the grey myself between my 3 wks. appts.), sometimes, teens thought it was "funny" to switch the color tubes in my root touch up boxes. The fellow at Walgreens caught several doing it. He said the sticky tab that closes the boxes are easily lifted up and then put back after the switch. After that, I always checked the name of the color on the tube before application and didn't trust the name on the box. 


I had an incident just the other day when I purchased a huge box of bandaids and when I got home it was empty. People think this are a fun way to spend time in the drug store. Some are caught and some not. Many times, they dare each other to see if they can get away with it. 


I now check everything or ask the pharmacist to check inside boxes.

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@spent2much ---that happened to me too--used a brand of color I had used for a long time--wanted a warm brown tone and got -----a bright  red!!!!!  OMG------looked like my normal shade so didn't think about testing it, was in the same box with the brown tone color name on it----and I was leaving in 2 days for a long weekend to AZ so had no time to get it fixed--must have washed my hair 10 x with Dawn to try to tone it down--horrible!!That was  in 2016 and have not, nor will I EVER do my own color again.

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Way back in the day (mid 80's) my hairdresser got my color way wrong. She washed my hair with Tide and it took a lot of the color out. I would never have tried that and would be afraid to try that on my own, but she had Tide in the shop for some reason.

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This was told to me by a Revlon colorist, and it works


Lather a clarifying shampoo or a dandruff shampoo onto DRY hair, let it sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing, repeat this as often as you need to reach desired results.