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Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

The ODO --- she's using red and blue DRY ERASE markers and saying that her foundation covers up the markers.  It doesn't --- it simply brushes the marker away.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

Because it sells the product and QVC is a business, first and foremost.


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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

Because no one knew what she was going to say before she said it?


Have to say I'm not exactly sure what the point of the OP question is.


I know it's snarky anti-QVC, but how does it help me decide whether to buy the product or not? I'm going to put in on a clean face - not one covered in marker, dry erase or permanent or whatever.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@millieshops wrote:

Because no one knew what she was going to say before she said it?


Have to say I'm not exactly sure what the point of the OP question is.


I know it's snarky anti-QVC, but how does it help me decide whether to buy the product or not? I'm going to put in on a clean face - not one covered in marker, dry erase or permanent or whatever.

You really think QVC doesn't run through the presentation with vendors before they go on air?  Also, this was the TSV a few weeks ago and she did the exact same thing.


The markers represent discoloration on your face.  

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Mellie32. I saw that too.  I also noticed that she was careful to turn the markers so that we couldn't see what type of marker it was.  It was very deceptive and I agree that QVC shouldn't allow this.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

Yup, those markers were not the permanent kind. What an awful thing to show us. Anyone watching could PLAINLY see what was happening.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Mellie32 wrote:

The ODO --- she's using red and blue DRY ERASE markers and saying that her foundation covers up the markers.  It doesn't --- it simply brushes the marker away.

Huh?   I'm not sure I understand your point.  Who uses markers on their face and then covers the marks with foundation?    And why would this mean anything to the rest of us?

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Mellie32 wrote:

The ODO --- she's using red and blue DRY ERASE markers and saying that her foundation covers up the markers.  It doesn't --- it simply brushes the marker away.

Huh?   I'm not sure I understand your point.  Who uses markers on their face and then covers the marks with foundation?    And why would this mean anything to the rest of us?

My point was that Doris pretends like the foundation COVERS the markers when it just brushes them away.  She is being deceiving in saying that her foundation is super full coverage - enough to cover all of your discolorations whether they be blue or red.  


Literally no one thinks that means you should put markers on your face.  

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

Somehow I've never felt comfortable with Doris - perhaps she trys too hard to convince us about her products.  I guess she's a nice lady but I've never 'connected' with her.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Mellie32 wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Mellie32 wrote:

The ODO --- she's using red and blue DRY ERASE markers and saying that her foundation covers up the markers.  It doesn't --- it simply brushes the marker away.

Huh?   I'm not sure I understand your point.  Who uses markers on their face and then covers the marks with foundation?    And why would this mean anything to the rest of us?

My point was that Doris pretends like the foundation COVERS the markers when it just brushes them away.  She is being deceiving in saying that her foundation is super full coverage - enough to cover all of your discolorations whether they be blue or red.  


Literally no one thinks that means you should put markers on your face.  

Nope.  Dry erase markers DO NOT just brush away when used on skin.  They wipe off on non-pourous surfaces.


I just tested this.  Got out my dry erase marker, made a good heavy line on the back of my hand and let it dry.  Then I tried to rub it off with my other hand.  Nope, stayed put.


Then I got out my Doll10 foundation and my Ready to Wear Liquid Lift foundation.  Both covered when the foundation was applied thick enough.  When I then wiped off the foundations with a kleenex, the dry erase mark was still there visible under the makeup.  Even when I used soap to wash off the remaining makeup, all of that dry erase marker did not come off.


So, bottom line - no deception.