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Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

HELP!!!!  LOL  Tonight I was looking at my arms and the underarms are crepy more like creepy if you ask me.  It's like all of a sudden it appears.  Welcome to senior livinig.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

I notice with me when I'm dehydrated it's worse. At my last physical my dr. said from my blood work I was very dehydrated and needed to drink at least 3 bottles of water per day. I have to admit that I don't drink that much, but I  definitely drink alot more and it had made my arms look alot better


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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

@Katcat1  I feel your pain. I noticed the same thing a couple of months ago. It was like one day it wasn't there, and the next day it was! Not sure what to do about it.🤔

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

@sweetee2  I drink water like a camel! Any other suggestions?

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

[ Edited ]

   @Katcat1 ,

That's just one of the many, many joys of menopause that nobody tells to to expect.


As your hormones adjust to a 'new normal' you'll experience a variety of little tweaks in the structural support below the skin, altering your outward appearance.


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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

I’ve been using L’oreal Revilalift 10% pure glycolic acid serum. I haven’t been using it that long but when I put it on my arms I see a big difference. I think it’s something if used everyday you would see a difference. I used it on my face one night and it was too strong. So now I just use on my upper arms.

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

Smiley MadWoman MadCat Mad


Menopause.....the gift that keeps on giving

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

did it crept up on you!  lol

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

Lotions or creams with glycolic acid really helps a lot. Use one with at least 10% glycolic. I use Alpha Skin Care 12% body lotion. Used that for years and I don't have crepey skin. I'm going to be 65 soon.

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Re: Where did this crepy arm skin come from?

Scary, isn't it? Looking at your arms and realizing you are an old lady. Creams, lotions, and drinking water aren't working for me.Cat Sad

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