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Registered: ‎12-13-2014

Re: What is the difference in products?

@Sugipine  No I don't use any of those products. What do you suggest?

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Re: What is the difference in products?

@NewNickname1x1000    Be careful with using certain tools on your face.  Years ago, stupid me use a facial brush on my face and I ended up with broken capillaries.  Growing up I had flawless facial skin and never had to wear foundation but now I prefer to wear a light foundation to cover up a little but still let the skin shine through and even out my complexion.

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Re: What is the difference in products?

@Katcat1Thank you. I'm a little hesitant about the microderm abrasion tool that's why I appreciate the advice.

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Re: What is the difference in products?

@NewNickname1x1000 wrote:

@Sugipine  No I don't use any of those products. What do you suggest?




I only asked about the Retin-A, AHA and BHA  just to mention their applications while using a microderm tool. But since you don't use those then there's nothing more to say other than they work well as anti-aging products go.