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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

I used to use CeraVe until they changed the formula. (I noticed in February when they changed the packaging) It makes my skin feel dryer now. I used to like Moisturel but it is very hard to find anymore that I am looking for a good moisturizer locally, too. In the meantime I've been using First Aid Beauty sold here in a huge tub.

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

Boy oh Boy...  Do I post this?  You all are going to think I am nuts.

I have terrible dry skin.  Body & Face.  I use M.Asam Reservatrol Premium Body Creme on body, AND face at night.  When I get up in the morning?  I can look in the mirror and tell when I forgot to do my last step before sleep.  The M.Asam.  When they are at the H, they usually have this for $19.99, and it is a big 10 oz. jar.  It is very thick, like a balm.  My dry skin loves this stuff.  Yeah, I Know...Smiley Embarassed

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

I use Olay's Total Effects during the day and it works well on my normal/dry skin.  For nights I totally stand by Ponds Dry Skin cream.  Ponds has been on the market for so many years and is very reasonably priced.  Over the years I have tried other creams, but always go back to Ponds.  I hope this helps.

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

@Squirrel Lover 


CeraVe cream (tub) with pump favorite. My skin dry sensitive. Recommend you visit Dr.Dray YouTube. Excellent suggestions from drugstore. 

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

I actually started using just plain CeraVe lotion on my face.  It's not one of their facial varieties, just the plain old CeraVe.  I think it's wonderful.  Not really heavy or greasy but makes the skin feel soft and smooth.  No irritations.  Trust me --- I have the most crabby skin ever!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

@Squirrel Lover wrote:

I have never found the perfect night time moisturizer in any price range. 


Does anyone have a recommendation for one for mature skin from the drugstore or grocery store? I am 52 and starting menopause. I have very sensative skin. I tried looking on beautypedia, but the website seems out of date.


Also, is there an spf 30 drugstore lotion with a pump for everyday use on the body?

I have not found one,  

for the face right now I am using the IT conf in a cream which I really like   



as for a body lotion with SPF haven't seen any, 

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

I agree with using CeraVe - either the PM or AM (I use the PM in the mornings).  I'm 69 with oily, sensitive skin and I only use 'drugstore' brands I can buy at the supermarket.


I've used Aveeno, Neutrogena Moisture Boost (blue gel in the jar), and good old original pink Olay.  All of these moisturize my old, sensitive complexion and don't irritate my rosacea.


I also recommend drinking lots of water.  It hydrates the skin and "plumps up" your complexion.

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?

If skin is combo or tends to be oily, Cerave PM.  If skin tends to be dry, Cerave Moisturizing Cream.  It comes in two delivery systems:  a jar with a pump and a jar without a pump.  I buy the jar without a pump and use a Q-Tip to scoop out what I need.  I use Retin A, which has always made my skin flakey especially in the winter, and when I found the Cerave cream, it was a Godsend.  Moisturizing, doesn't leave a greasy, oily mess (it leaves a matte finish), and doesn't have any actives.  I love every Cerave product I've tried (I use their hydrating cleanser, too) except for Cerave AM.  I don't care for chemical sunscreens.

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Re: What is the best drugstore night time moisturizer that you ever used?



On point...PM version wasn't enough for my extra dry skin. Thanks!