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What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

I read a post here that a reader has found her perfect pink lipstick, something that has eluded me for 38 YEARS!

I want a PERFECT pink lipstick. What are yours? Are you light, med. or dark in skin tone? Warm or Cool?

I think this may be the PERFECT place to find my lipstick!

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Registered: ‎09-29-2018

Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

I used Two Faced long before they arrived @ the Q. I was in love with an awesome faint pink color called Marshmallow Bunny, it was so faint yet sexy! It also was so moisturizing for my lips. I had been purchasing it for about 2 yrs & all of a sudden Ulta was OUT, so I ask clerk says" the discontinued that color" OMG! I was so agitated. So I went around to all retail outlets w/in 50 miles of my home & found 5 tubes! So fast forward after the last tube was so dry that I couldn't get a sliver of cover with a Qtip,lol!
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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?



My perfect pink -- Almay's Barely Blush -- was discontinued in the 80s.  I found a tube in the bargain bin, then drove all over looking for additional marked-down tubes. Woman Sad

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Registered: ‎09-29-2018

Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

OOPS! Sorry lost connection , so will finish post here! I started my struggle of searching for MY new best color go to. It was a nightmare. Finally found another Two Face special color loved & endorsed by Nikki Minaj , almost perfect to my old lost fav. Well I'm sure you figured it out, 3 tubes later, " We only had that color for a special promotion" I was frustrated again. I spent a few months w/out a fav & used clear lip gloss from Tarte. I purchase from the Q daily & when I saw the presentation of Two Faced on here I was so happy. They have some perfect products in lip color & it's a good quality product. I @ one time felt $ 22. was to much for a tube of lipstick but I changed my mind after my 1st tube. I don't have a favorite color right now but I am praying soon w/new spring & summer styles coming on the scene. I hope no one else has the struggles that I do! The Q had awesome prices on beauty products. If you can get free S&H it's possible to find cheaper than retail, but otherwise it's just the ease & help of Easy Pay...
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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

Velvet teddy by Mac is lovely and the perfect your lips by better color (for me anyway, light/medium olive skin with dark hair and green eyes) or were you looking for a brighter pink?
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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

My perfect pink is NYX Indian Pink.

Image result for nyx indian pink


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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

Revlon's "Pink in the Afternoon" is my stand-by.  It might be ever so slightly too 'warm' for me, but nevertheless, it somehow works and is a good performer.

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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

HI! I love roman holiday by Nars and lancome 343b Rose beautiful pink shade my go to

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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

I have not found "the one", the holy grail of lipsticks yet. Looking at how many lipsticks I decluttered and how much I spent on them last year proves this to me. I spent a lot looking for the HG lipstick and couldn't find it.

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Re: What is YOUR Perfect Pink Lipstick?

I am cool toned, freckled, cool toned med brown hair and my fave is Tom Ford's Pink Dusk.


It's very expensive so it's pretty much the only lipstick I buy.