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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

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As much as I love the cleansing oil I've been using for a few years, I have to admit that today I was somewhat tempted to try Tatcha's cleansing oil because the deal on the 10 oz. bottle seemed very good compared to the value on their regular size and I'm curious to know what all the hoopla is about.  In the end, I couldn't pull the trigger.  The one I love and use is still half the price so it just didn't make any sense to order it.

I'm a little bit tempted to try the new IT bronzer.  I'm probably going to cave on that one.


       Tatcha cleansing oil came with my Clarisonic purchase use as first cleanse. Not something I would buy or care using after finishing up. This week ordered Clarisonic cleanser (Gel) used before very much enjoyed. Yes like you want to try the the new IT bronzer. Love the IT's last TSV kit, Blush is so beautiful.

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

For me, it's kind of a wash-out, at least as far as anything Q has to offer.


I like to experiment, however, and I have my eye on a fig oil. GoW does not carry this, so I'll go elsewhere.


I agree about Tatcha's prices! As much as I like the idea of liquid silk...


(btw, my skin was flawless, too, at age 35, and I wasn't doing any skin rituals back then!)

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

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Regarding Tatcha,  the only product I use from them regularly is the Enzyme Polishing beads.  What a fabulous product if used properly.  They had an amazing deal yesterday...  2 for the price of 1.  Two of the reguar jars for $65.  These jars last a really long time.  My skin is super super soft and pores lessened when I use this.


On the goat milk soap,  besides Beekman,  GOAT MILK STUFF makes beautiful soaps.  I've reordered from them several times.  The soaps are made by a lovely family in Indiana.  The kids send you little thank you notes in your package.  The soap is wonderful.  I've also tried Bend, but prefer GMS.

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

Not one. Too expensive here. 

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?


I love GMS soaps too and have ordered a lot from them but they didn't have a shea butter soap so I decided to try one from Horse o' Peace Ranch and I love it.  I have it by the sink in my bathroom.  When I'm getting ready in the morning, I wash my hands several times after applying skin/hair products and no matter how many times I wash my hands with this soap, they never get dried out and always feel soft and moisturized.  I get that from the soaps I've used from GMS (and Bend) too but I didn't find any quite as moisturizing as this shea butter one from Horse o' Peace Ranch.

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

A facelift would be nice, but I can't find anybody who will contirbute to the experiment................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

I was tempted to try the New IT Miracle Water 3 in 1 Tonic that was a one day only price yesterday.  Ive seen these Millecular waters before, are they really needed?  I didnt purchase it.

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?


Philosophy Renewed Hope in a Jar Skin Tint.

I have had this for a while and I like it. 


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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

@JeanLouiseFinch, I ordered the IT Bronzer. Haven't worn a bronzer in years because I just can't find one that I like and works with my dry skin. Since I like IT Bye Bye Pressed Powder decided to give this a try. It really does look very nice. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will like it. 

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Re: What beauty items are you tempted to try?

I would like to try Philosophy Skin Tint as well without the brush though. I also would like to try Algenist Collagen Oil. 


I use Clinique's Cleansing balm for 28.00 and I love it......It last a long time and works really well.


I also want to try either Tarte's Shapetape Concealer, or Laura Mercier's concealer. I already love her Flawless Fusion foundation, so I am sure I would also love the concealer.......