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What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

My mom wore Blue Grass, and my aunt (her twin) wore Wind Song. I don't even know if you can still get them!  Smiley Happy

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Estée Lauder Original Classic   (aka "lusty daughter")

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

None that I remember, though we always gave her Evening in Paris for Christmas. Poor mom.

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

My mom wore My Sin in her younger days.


Lanvin My Sin Perfume 2 oz. Vintage In Box Vintage... - Depop


Then later on she wore EL Youth Dew.


Youth-Dew | Estée Lauder Official Site

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Avon, Nearness?  This was everyday.


Special ocassions, when we were young, Estée Lauder, Youth Dew.  As she aged, that was all she wore.  Would try some of the newer ones but always stayed with Youth Dew.

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Chanel ... not #9 ..... can't recall exactly.  It was always my father's gift to my mother.

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Jungle Gardenia Tuvaché





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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

When I was little I remember a bottle of Shalimar.  Then, later, she wore Coco.

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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds
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Re: What Fragrance Did Your Mom Wear?

Tabu in my younger days. She switched to Giorgio when she got some from the Rodeo Drive store in Beverly Hills. Late in life she wore Fresh's Lemon Sugar.