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Interesting update on the Wen/hair loss issue. Guthy-Renker that manufactures and distributes Wen is opposing legislation to have the FDA regulate hazardous beauty ingredients.


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The photos of that child... it breaks my heart. : (


There SHOULD be laws in place. But, as always, politics and money come before the welfare of the people.

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It is funny my sister has been using this for years and complaining about her hair falling out.   I told her and she don't believe me.   I feel sorry for Chaz, because he seems to really be a nice guy. 


I agree they need to do more testing on everything.  Everything we use goes into our bloodstream. 

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Registered: ‎04-30-2012

WOW  poor child. That is the worst case of hair loss i have seen associated with wen. I think laws to protect consumers is imporant.  In my opinion the companies against it  is admitting guilt just by  fighting it.  I would think a company would want to make sure all their products are safe. Guess not.  I know only 127came forward  but for every one complaint there is probably a hundred not coming forward. I also experieenced  burning and rashes with some of wen cleansing conditioners. I do like his oils and styling products. I do not think Chaz  ever intended to hurt anyone.  If FDA is pushing legislature  there is probably more seious things going on not being reported to the media ( yet)

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Registered: ‎06-15-2016

I was floored when I read the article ! So much of our lives is regulated by the govt. but products we use on our biggest organ are "overlooked" due to some donations to politicians! How disturbing! I don't care if you're "for or agin'" Wen products, I think the govt. should regulate which products companies can use in the beauty items we buy! I have tried to be diligent in reading all labels before I purchase, but my dh pointed out , after much research, that questionable ingredients can hide under the simple name, "fragrance"! He found very strange things listed as fragrance! All I want is the govt. to make companies disclose all of the ingredients in a product, without being able to clump items under a title like fragrance! I would also like to see a warning on products that have received over a certain number of verified complaints! I believe in buyer beware, I just want to be given the true info!

Never underestimate the power of kindness.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 657
Registered: ‎11-01-2010 not want more laws or regulations from this government.
Let the courts decide cases like this.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Why wouldn't this Mother take her daughter to the Dr as soon as this started to happen.


There has to be something in Wen that some people have an allergy and this causes different reactions.


I'm not going to argue with anyone about this subject but there are a lot more people using and loving Wen than those complaining.



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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@BalletBabe wrote:

It is funny my sister has been using this for years and complaining about her hair falling out.   I told her and she don't believe me.   I feel sorry for Chaz, because he seems to really be a nice guy. 


I agree they need to do more testing on everything.  Everything we use goes into our bloodstream. 



Did your sister see a doctor to determine why her hair is falling out?   It could be something else.  MANY things cause hair loss.    

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Posts: 40,567
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

If 20 million people were using  a sunscreen and thought it was a good product .... and 127 people using the sunscreen said it caused rashes and itching, the logical thing is for the 127 people to STOP USING THE PRODUCT.  


Nothing works well on everyone!

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Posts: 131
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@BalletBabe wrote:

It is funny my sister has been using this for years and complaining about her hair falling out.   I told her and she don't believe me.   I feel sorry for Chaz, because he seems to really be a nice guy. 


I agree they need to do more testing on everything.  Everything we use goes into our bloodstream. 

No, everything we use on our skin and hair does not go into our bloodstream. Our skin is a barrier organ that keeps substances from passing through it.


For example, with hair products, we first have the scalp, which is skin, which is a barrier. Under the scalp we have the skull, which is made of bone, which protects the brain as well as the blood vessels.


Typically the way things get inside our bodies is via various holes, such as the mouth, nostrils, eye sockets, ears.