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On 6/3/2014 Kokathy said:
On 6/3/2014 bebe777 said:
On 6/3/2014 Kokathy said:
On 6/3/2014 bebe777 said:
On 6/3/2014 Kokathy said:

ok the tatcha presentation is tempting but i love my peter thomas roth. my skin has been getting so much better. i've been using the peter thomas roth cucumber mask and it's been slowly dissolving my stubborn milia

Kokathy that's good to know because I have acne and millia. Ugg!

I love it! I've been battling the same milia for a while now. Peter's site had a kit for $45.00 so I jumped on it. But Q has the mask alone. It's item number A163804. It even helped with the sunburn on my arm a little but I used IT cosmetics bye bye under eye and that helps too (go figure, makeup helping skin).

Kokathy thanks for the information and the item number. I'm going to check it out later. I've never heard of any topical product that helped milli a go away over time. Really appreciated!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

it's the only thing I've been doing different. it's a detox people so I have feeling it's the mask.

Kokathy thanks, that's good to know. I always only try one new thing at a time so I can pinpoint what's working.

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Registered: ‎12-10-2012

Night everyone, it's been fun!!!

The next Wen segment is on friday, June 6th at 10pm ET in Friday Night Beauty.

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Eeek I fell asleep earlier so I missed the chat, allergy meds kicked in. Now I'm wide awake LOL.

OK I want to know what the heck happened to get the other chat thread poofed?! Really?!! That doesn't make any sense!!!!!?

I still haven't bought any Wen from QVC this visit.... tapping fingers waiting for mousse!

My card did get a nice hole in it from buying clothes online though in the last month, from other websites not Q. Somewhat new to buying clothes online but I find myself annoyed and impatient in stores these days lol. There are some good sites online that I've had good success with!

Kokathy, I developed bad millia from a philosophy eye cream and Isomers eye peel helped clear it up. Now I use Skinn eye products and no issues. Interesting about the PTR product, I was curious about that. I use his retinol.

Love sharing stuff and chatting here! Can't wait until FRIDAY!

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I'll post in an off topic on this forum what I've been doing with the cucumber mix, paired with other beauty products.

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I realized we were missing my gal Bianca Del Rio to remind us not to engage the trolls. Unless of course you feel like rumbling. Then you know we'll have your back.

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LOLOL Kokathy

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval
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On 6/4/2014 jaxs mom said:

LOLOL Kokathy

If you really want to laugh, you should look her up on you tube. She's the drag queen version of Don Rickels. Both in and out of drag, she's hysterical. I love to watch Ru Paul's Drag Race and she was on Season Six. I've pulled a lot of new sayings from that season.

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On 6/3/2014 MissKlynn said:

Eeek I fell asleep earlier so I missed the chat, allergy meds kicked in. Now I'm wide awake LOL.

OK I want to know what the heck happened to get the other chat thread poofed?! Really?!! That doesn't make any sense!!!!!?

I still haven't bought any Wen from QVC this visit.... tapping fingers waiting for mousse!

My card did get a nice hole in it from buying clothes online though in the last month, from other websites not Q. Somewhat new to buying clothes online but I find myself annoyed and impatient in stores these days lol. There are some good sites online that I've had good success with!

Kokathy, I developed bad millia from a philosophy eye cream and Isomers eye peel helped clear it up. Now I use Skinn eye products and no issues. Interesting about the PTR product, I was curious about that. I use his retinol.

Love sharing stuff and chatting here! Can't wait until FRIDAY!

I wanted to read that thread again for the information! And I would like to know what happened Smiley Wink A lot of poofing going on around here!! Why can't just the nasty threads get poofed and leave the rest of it there? Maybe close it to comments?

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Posts: 636
Registered: ‎06-09-2012

Well we did have someone post about the expense of the product and then I think when I was at work I saw something maybe but I didn't think it was poofable unless I missed something.

oh well.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,653
Registered: ‎07-07-2012
On 6/4/2014 Kokathy said:

Well we did have someone post about the expense of the product and then I think when I was at work I saw something maybe but I didn't think it was poofable unless I missed something.

oh well.

Just another way for trolls to ruin our fun!