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Registered: ‎09-16-2014

Watch out using baby grace as a shampoo!

This morning used 3 in 1 baby grace as a shampoo and it made my eyes burn! Took 20 minutes for them to stop tearing. Used this year's ago and never had problem. Ordered 4 set of 3in1, cologne, lotion and exfoliating gel. This set came other day and love all products but won't use this as a shampoo again. Just giving heads up.

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Re: Watch out using baby grace as a shampoo!

Generally speaking, I don't know why some companies keep changing the ingredients on excellent-selling products.  Does a chem. representative make an appointment to add 'this and that chem.' to an already popular product?  And, of course, the added or changed ingredients always spike the price.  JMO

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Watch out using baby grace as a shampoo!

I was told that when a product is successful  they try to find cheaper ingredients to make the same thing and increase profits

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Re: Watch out using baby grace as a shampoo!

[ Edited ]

The same thing happened to me about a month ago with AMAZING GRACE!  I will NEVER let that stuff get in my eyes again!


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Re: Watch out using baby grace as a shampoo!

Happened to me too Smiley Frustrated

Open my heart and you will see, engraved inside, Italy - Robert Browning