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This is why so many people have left this Beauty Board.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but some people seem to attack others for not liking something or saying the price is too high.  I, personally, have tried WEN and got a horribly itchy scalp. I do not use it anymore.  I still have the right to come on this board and say the price is high.  It’s my opinion and this is a Beauty Board for discussions.

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎02-26-2011

Some people shop for bargains others don't.  I just hope the people who don't haven't accumulated a lot of debt.  I like finding bargains.  I like the scents of wen but that is about it.  Makes my hair oily and my scalp will start to stink.  The menthol in the products isn't pleasant.  The price is outrageous but it doesn't matter what it costs some people will keep paying it.  And there is the 20 million dollar lawsuit that he is paying.  I'm surprised he can still sell his product.  What was causing the hair problems?  I like Aussie, about $5-8 a bottle and lasts months.  I actually bought two conditioners for $5 a pack, lol.  Lasts a long time and great for my hair.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎03-11-2019
That is the price on his site... no tax or shipping....bottles are not outdated. Perhaps a sale in the future. I would rather talk about how much I love his product. I am new to using Wen and would like to discuss which formulas everyone likes best. If you would buy a gallon of Wen, which Wen do you love and why?
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎03-11-2019
I love Wen, just discovered it. That being said my mother who is experiencing hair loss because of some medical problems and I gave her some Wen thinking it would be wonderful and luxurious for her, after 2 washes she gave it back because she was experiencing more than usual hair loss. I wouldn’t have believed her if she wasn’t my mom. It works so well for me. I have read every article that there is....there is nothing in Wen that is harmful or contributes to hair loss...nothing in the ingredients. Chaz seems to be passionate about people’s hair and his creation. Devastated by these claims. There is no scientific reason, perhaps it is a naturally occurring hormonal reaction or an allergy... who knows. FDA was involved. He settled, it was a business decision. Better for the company than to drag out in court. On to bigger and better. The product is amazing, I could never use shampoo again. Wish I found it years ago. If you don’t like it, you aren’t using it right. Granted not every formula is for everyone, but you will find it. Free exchanges.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@CoastalGal  .....  I recently discovered Carol's Daughter Monoi Ora Shampoo and Conditioner.  I love it!!   I get wonderful results on my fine, curly/wavy, color treated hair.  Much better than Pantene or Aussie.   There is a sale going on now at carolsdaugher dot com.