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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

On 7/10/2014 islandgrrl said:

The timing of this thread is hilarious. This morning as I was straightening the bathroom I was feeling so good about myself: on the shower shelf I have three pretty full 16 oz CC bottles of tea tree, fig and 613. In the linen closet I have a 32 oz tea tree. The medicine cabinet is home to my tea tree and peach oils and TT styling creme.

I have been using WEN for more years than I can count, and this is the largest 'stock pile' of products I have ever had at one time. I was feeling pretty proud until I opened this thread!

Lol, that's funny!

I'm not "proud" of my stash, I would be embarrassed to admit it anywhere else but here :-)

Last year, I got caught up in the seasonal hype, so about 1/2 of my extra CC is the seasonal SGGT and SMC (I can only use these occasionally). Between my favorite formulas (TT, SAM, CA and LAV), I probably only have one extra 32 oz bottle of each. I have oodles and oodles of extra Styling Cream, maybe 5-6 bottles, about three extra Remoists, four boxes of travel packs and more RTM than I can shake a stick at!! (That's Southern English for "a lot", lol).

I've done a pretty good job of cutting back on my purchases, limiting myself to things I just can't pass up! I skipped last fall's TSV (and the one in December). And, I only received one shipment of the March TSV. I'm waiting to see what the upcoming TSV is, if it's not something that is irresistible, I'll probably skip it, too.

I get no pleasure out of being a Wen hoarder........but I'm running low on my Body Cleansing Cream, so if there's a special on that, y'all better watch out!

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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

I'm loving these responses!

In the shower, I keep the CCs that I use most frequently and the seasonals.

The medicine cabinet stores the oils and RTM.

The bathroom closet holds the frankenbottle, new, unopened bottles and bottles I don't use frequently. I had to clear out the previous hair products to make space.

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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

Have two refrigerators and 1 huge freezer in garage. The fridge with a lock on it is my WEN locker, and I DO mean locker! I removed a few shelves and SO FAR it holds everything.

If I out grow the fridge will need a Wenervention. {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

Wishin' and Hopin' for 613 oil! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

Our master bath isn't terribly huge. When we redid it, I found small floor cabinets that matched the vanity. They aren't super deep or wide. I was able to fit two right next to one another. So, I've got my supply of CC's in the hallway linen closet. Those bathroom floor cabinets hold my hot rollers, stock pile of WEN oils and styling products, and skincare in waiting. On the open shelves, I keep my stack of white washcloths on one and my supply of turbie towels on the other.

I've overbought on a lot of my WEN, caught up in the excitement of various TSV's. Partially in my defense, I was cleansing daily once upon a time and bought a lot so I wouldn't run out. I was buying for my DD, too. She doesn't live here anymore so I still have quite a stash.

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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

Drythe, I'm curious (and a bit frightened) to know where you will keep your 613 oil.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

I am too new to WEN to have a stockpile yet............but let's not even go there with my philosophy stash!


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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

I love this thread!!! Drythe...... the fridge!? Ha!!! Is it on? Like cold?
Love my Wen, Love my Animals! God Bless You All!
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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

I store mine in my basement which stays cool in the summer.

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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

Most of my wen is still boxed up in the boxes the TSV's come in amd stacked in my closet on 1/2 of my top shelf and some by the sheos
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Re: WEN - How to you store your stockpile?

I don't have much space at all. I keep the kids gallon in the bathtub unless it's in use then it goes on the floor. 32oz TT on the side of the tub, 16oz SHP on the otherside. Right outside I have a small cabinet that I keep various bathroom stuff, razor blades, feminine items, extra tooth brushes and paste. I have my two 16oz SHP in there along with the unopened SHP oil and RTM. My SHP SC and mousse are on the bathroom sink, along with the TT oil. This is a small old sink, like and old school bathroom sink, so it's pretty crowded back there. I have RTMs all over lol I don't know where to put them. They're on the mantle, sewing table, coffee table, book case and another ontop of the bathroom supplies closet. The remoist is on the windowsill in the bathroom. Oh the BGT 32 oz and 16oz SOB are on top of my fabric cabinet which is also outside the bathroom. I don't care for the BGT so it's not taking up scarce bathroom space. My daughter brings it in (or yells for me to bring it in....) when she takes her bath. The ever precious wen comb is perpetually missing. It's supposed to be left in the tub but seems to end up everywhere else only to be found once I no longer need it